The Gospel & Class: Risky Business

The apostle Paul had a church planting ministry to an unreached people group, and for the sake of this unreached people group he took...

Fighting for Moments of Joy and Hope

On the Jesus Calling® Podcast, author Dawn Barton shared how she’d lost a child, survived rape, beaten Stage 3 breast cancer but lost her sister to...

5 Questions to Assess Your Entrepreneurial Aptitude

Entrepreneurial Aptitude is one of the eleven competencies that Acts 29 considers essential when assessing church planters. You can explore the Competencies further on the Acts...

5 Questions to Assess Your Ability to Teach

Ability to Teach is one of the eleven competencies that Acts 29 considers essential when assessing church planters. You can explore the Competencies further on...

Lean Into Your Weakness to Find His Strength

It is good that you recognize your weakness.That keeps you looking to Me, your Strength.Abundant life is not necessarily health and wealth;it is living...

Chasing the Wise Among Us by Daniel Grothe

Make every effort to discern My will for you—searching the Scriptures and seeking My Face.Also, seek wise counsel from other Christians.Jesus Always, July 11 It’s fascinating...

5 Questions to Assess Your Disciple Making by Johan Verster

CORE IDEA Jesus said: ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing...

5 Questions to Assess Your Missional Lifestyle

Missional Lifestyle’ is one of the eleven competencies that Acts 29 considers essential when assessing church planters. You can explore the Competencies further on the Acts...

The Healing Power of God’s Presence

The best response to the glorious gift of grace is a thankful heart that delights in doing My will. It is vital to proclaim...

Treasures In Darkness

“There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way.Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earth-shackles. Others are blessings...
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