5 Questions to Assess Your Missional Lifestyle


Missional Lifestyle’ is one of the eleven competencies that Acts 29 considers essential when assessing church planters. You can explore the Competencies further on the Acts 29 Competencies page.


Christians are given a wonderful identity. In 1 Peter 2:9, Peter says: ‘you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light’. The church, in Christ, has become God’s priestly people, whose life together commends the goodness of His kingdom. Church planters must model this and be able to cultivate a missional mindset within the church.


  1. Review Tim Keller’s six characteristics of a missional church (See the Missional Lifestyle eBook — p5). For each one, how would you score yourself out of ten?
  2. Calculate the ‘footfall’ of unbelievers through your home. How often are they in your home? Hardly ever, once a month, once a week or more than once a week?
  3. How often do you spend time with unbelievers in places where they feel comfortable? Hardly ever, once a month, once a week or more than once a week?
  4. How often do you speak of Christ with unbelievers or offer to pray for them or with them? Hardly ever, once a month, once a week or more than once a week?
  5. How many people in your missional community or church planting team do your most significant unbelieving friends know by name? None of them, one or two, about half of them or most of them?