5 Questions to Assess Your Ability to Teach


Ability to Teach is one of the eleven competencies that Acts 29 considers essential when assessing church planters. You can explore the Competencies further on the Acts 29 Competencies page.


I1 Timothy 3:2-7, Paul gives a list of qualities that ought to describe those in church leadership. Most of the qualifications pertain to the man leading himself in holiness and leading his home with honor, but there is one key qualification that extends his leadership to the outside world: the ability to teach. Church planting is supernatural work. There is only one message that saves. Church planters, therefore, must be ‘able’ teachers, and must protect the ministry of the word above all other ministries.


  1. When you have opportunity to teach, do you seek out constructive feedback from others and do they see growth in your teaching over time?
  2. Is your desire to teach based more in your perception of your ability or in your theological conviction of the need for teaching and preaching? In which area do you need to grow more?
  3. When you teach or preach do you sense the Holy Spirit carrying you along? Is the task life-giving to you or fraught with stress and tension?
  4. Has there been fruit from your teaching in the past that shows your audience is understanding and applying what you bring to them from scripture?
  5. Had you previously considered the link between the conviction to plant and the need to be able to teach? Does that excite or intimidate you?