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Thom Rainer

Thom Rainer
Thom S. Rainer is the founder and CEO of Church Answers, an online community and resource for church leaders. Prior to founding Church Answers, Rainer served as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Before coming to LifeWay, he served at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twelve years where he was the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism. He is a 1977 graduate of the University of Alabama and earned his Master of Divinity and Ph.D. degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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No Independent Churches, No Self-sufficient Christians

“I planted, Apollos watered, God gave the increase” (I Corinthians 3:6).  “Even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities” (Philippians 4:16).  I...

Leaders Can’t Avoid Conflict, It’s How You Handle It That Matters

Conflict is inevitable but divisiveness is avoidable. How we handle human conflict determines whether the outcome is unity or division. There is great opportunity for...

Worship Pastors: 4 Interview Green Flags Churches Look for

Here at Vanderbloemen, we have the privilege of helping churches all over the country find high-capacity worship pastors to lead their congregations. We see...