Ordinary Christian, You Have an Extraordinary Mission

It’s often hard to see the mission field in the midst of everyday life. But our ordinary lives—work, school, errands, running kids to music...

How to Have Something Before You See It

“See, I HAVE given you Jericho.”  The Lord said those words to Jericho before he ever walked a step or blew a trumpet. Is it...

White Privilege, Social Justice, and the Humility Required to Move Forward

Yesterday, video was released of George Floyd dying, needlessly, with his neck pressed to the ground under the knee of a police officer. That...

The Danger of Diversity

I’m not really a fan of clickbait. So before you read any further, you need to know that I think diverse churches are a...

Experience Jesus Like Never Before

I designed you to commune with Me face to Face, and this interaction strengthens your soul. Such communion provides a tiny glimpse of what...

Six Helpful Ideas for Smaller Nonprofits | Better Fundraising

This article is written by Steven Screen, and was previously published by Better Fundraising. Recently I spent the day working with a bunch of smaller nonprofits...

12 Things Failed Successions Have In Common

There’s an insurance company that has an ad campaign I just love. They end each ad by saying, “We know a lot because we’ve...

Redefining Ministry Success

When my husband and I moved our family to Colorado to plant our church, we felt a clear calling from the Lord. But a...

What Do You Do When You Run Out of Courage?

You know the inner voice:  “You’re not going to make it financially…you’re not qualified to be a parent…you won’t live to be 50…you are...

Seeing Yourself the Way God Sees You

My wife has a small mirror she keeps in our master bathroom. It has two sides – one that shows you reality and another...
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12 Things That Tempt Men to Peruse Porn

As I’ve researched the issues caused by porn, I am shocked not just at its moral consequences, but at its social costs, damage to marriages,...

Course Corrections to Church Growth – by Jason Swann

We took over a 36-year-old church rebounding from the moral failure of their Senior Pastor on the other side of COVID. We came in...

Ai and Church Answers: Full Disclosure

Note: This article is original. None of it is AI-generated. (You will understand why I led with this disclaimer later in the article.) Adding to...