Healthy Living from the Inside Out

When you try to live independently of Me, you experience emptiness and dissatisfaction. You may gain the whole world and yet lose everything that really counts.   Jesus...

Pastor, Make Peace with Lowliness

Every church planter expects to begin from a place of lowliness. But rare is the church planter who makes peace with lowliness. I’m not talking about...

How to Absolutely Praise Your Way Out of a Crisis

Feeling low?  Overwhelmed?  Voices in your head say “Quit”?  I know exactly what you need. It’s not a pill, a potion, or a prop.  It’s...

The Fruit of Anger Is Almost Always Rotten

If you’ve been a Christian for a long time, you’ve probably heard two distinct ideas about anger. The first is that anger is sinful...

When Wolves Come

I believe one of the most neglected roles of pastors is protecting our flock from false teachers. We can spend all our energy and attention...

3 Ingredients for Successful Pastoral Transition

Succession has always been certain, but COVID-19 has put it in focus like never before. There’s an old saying among many Catholics: “The only sick...

Why an Interim Leader Is Your Only Choice

When people typically think of an interim pastor, they think of someone who is filling a temporary role until the position is filled by...

There’s No Tension Between Truth and Beauty

In the early days of church planting, one of the most revisited topics of conversation was the music ministry. Church planting gave us a...

5 Powerful Things That Show Your Life Is Blessed

What is “blessing?”  Is it fame, cars, kids, and houses? Why is it that some people have all of that and can’t say they are...

The Ultimate Plan for Communicating Better

Angie and I talk to a lot of couples about marriage, and one of the most common problems we encounter is the communication conundrum....
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10 Ways to Tell You Are Slipping Spiritually

For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.  (Hebrews...

12 Things That Tempt Men to Peruse Porn

As I’ve researched the issues caused by porn, I am shocked not just at its moral consequences, but at its social costs, damage to marriages,...

Course Corrections to Church Growth – by Jason Swann

We took over a 36-year-old church rebounding from the moral failure of their Senior Pastor on the other side of COVID. We came in...