Two Habits for Quick Momentum In Your Spiritual Journey

Jeff Jerina shares two of his own personal habits or disciplines that can help you gain quick and serious momentum in your own Christian...

The Foster Church Movement

By Thom S. Rainer Fostering and adoption are typically words connected to families and individuals. But now the movements are connected to congregations as well. It...

What Are You Waiting On?

May I ask you a personal question? Do you ever plan to humble yourself before Almighty God and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and...

When the Pastor Feels Like a Failure

“For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends” (2 Corinthians 10:18). “Did I fail?” Every man or woman who ministers in...

To the Pastor of a Stagnant Congregation

How many churches have stopped growing in this country, in your denomination, of your church-type, in your county or parish or town? Depends on who you...

Homefront #7: Thursday

A neighbor who had been out of town for a week or two with her elderly mother has returned. She brought to us a...

Entering the Ministry? Bring with You a Good Sense of Humor!

Thou has put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and new wine increased.  (Psalm 4:7)  My favorite art store often brings in...

Why Preachers Are the Way They Are. Thank Goodness.

(Do not miss the personal testimony of a pastor friend at the end.)Someone asked, “Why do pastors not weep at funerals? My pastor didn’t...

Homefront #8: Embracing the Moment

Sitting on my back deck Sunday morning with my coffee, I was watching the birds flying in to enjoy the seeds and suet cake...

When a Leader Should Submit. and When to Insist

“Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). We were sitting in the second pew to the far left. I leaned...
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Course Corrections to Church Growth – by Jason Swann

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Ai and Church Answers: Full Disclosure

Note: This article is original. None of it is AI-generated. (You will understand why I led with this disclaimer later in the article.) Adding to...