What If We Truly Believed Jesus Abolished Death?

“Who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10). You are going to love this. If death has been...

How to Turn Your Fear Into Conquering Faith

Fear is everywhere right now.  We are witnessing the rapid shut down of sporting events, colleges, and (in some places) large meetings.  Have you...

8 Reasons the Church Is a Light In a Troubled World

Cultivating hope, expressing encouragement, and maintaining an authentically positive spirit are vital to your leadership. People need to sense your optimism as a leader. But...

Making Jesus Proud

When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8) What Jesus is looking for — was when He walked the dusty...

Believe In What Can Be

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume that you’re processing some bad news in your life. Maybe even quite a bit of it....

When You’re In the Belly of a Big Fish

Jonah, one of Scriptures most interesting characters, finds himself in the belly of a big faith after he ran from God. Sometimes crisis, pain,...

Feeling Discouraged? How a Leader Can Defeat It

Somebody once said there are two things in life we can’t avoid, taxes and death. I’d like to add a third, discouragement. Church leader or...

Labor, Work, and Grace

”Let us, therefore, be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience” (Hebrews 4:11). Lately, I have spent...

How Is the Church Gathering During Social Distancing? Tips During Covid-19.

Do you remember the Sunday after 9/11? I was a pastor, and I’ll never forget the crowds from that day. People flocked to church. We...

Seeking God for Your Next Step

As we enter the month of August, we have to remember that God desires always to lead us into the right place or season...
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The Chrino: Christian In Name Only

Nearly seven out of ten (69%, Cultural Research Center) of American adults self-identify as a Christian. With an adult population (18 years and older)...

5 Tips for Leading Effective Meetings

What do you think of when you think of a business meeting? Is it a time to be productive? Or is it a time...

Sometimes We Lead; Sometimes We Follow.

That the leaders led in Israel, and that the people volunteered, O bless the Lord.  (Judges 5:2) No one is a leader all the time...