Understanding the 7 Phases of a Church’s Life Cycle | the Unstuck Church

Most churches start, grow, thrive, decline and eventually end. But I don’t believe that’s God’s plan for the church. Regardless of uniqueness, every church has...

Should Pastors Abstain from Drinking Alcohol?

I grew up in the south and in a denomination where drinking alcohol was frowned upon for the average church attendee and definitely considered taboo...

Five Suggested Guidelines for Pastors and Church Staff on Social Media

It happened yet again.  Church leaders fired a pastor because of his social media postings, primarily on Facebook. He even asked me for my opinion...

Your Church’s Fall 2021 Growth Opportunity (why It’s a Season of Hope)

The coming months represent a potentially unprecedented opportunity to see your church impact more people than ever before. As the country begins to shake off...

Think You Have a Strong Plan to Re-open? Here’s What Most Churches Are Missing

When Covid hit, churches focused on shifting from doing church in buildings to doing church online. For an institution that’s not exactly known for...

Three Critical Questions for Enriching Your Culture Post-covid

As we enter into the “other side” of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are beginning to be able to evaluate the extent to which our...

8 Practices to Gain Wisdom In Leadership

Wisdom is not a guaranteed virtue that accompanies age. Recall the words of Elihu in the book of Job. “I thought, ‘Age should speak; advanced years...

8 Ways to Make Church Change Run Smoother

In your church, you’re probably trying to bring change in some way or are contemplating it. Unfortunately, change in our churches often doesn’t go...

How to Protect Your Time Off from Constant Emails (and Other “important” Requests)

We’ve all been there before, right? You’re out, enjoying time with friends or family and then you check your phone. You know you shouldn’t...

Ten Pointers for the Inexperienced Preacher or Layperson

“When they asked me to talk to you today, my first thought was, ‘Who me? I don’t know anything about that….” Bo-ring!  The worst possible...
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