How to Maintain Good Personal Relationships When You’re Busy Leading

Man, being a leader makes you busy. When I begin to think of all the things on my plate, I begin to wonder how...

5 Ways to Strengthen Relationships

As a leader, you know relationships matter. They’re all around you from your family relationships, business relationships, and friendship relationships. You can’t avoid relationships. But...

How to Make Leadership Less Lonely

If you ask a leader what his biggest struggle with is in leadership, you will often hear a single answer. Leadership is lonely. I...

Managing Personal Relationships In the Workplace

Relationships Matter While your family relationships may be the most important relationships in your life, your relationships with those you work with almost become equally...

Creating Strong Family Relationships

If you were to ask someone what their most important relationship is, the answer would most likely revolve around a family member. My relationship...

How Leadership Is a Relationship

For many, thinking of leadership as a relationship is difficult. Too many people consider leadership a position, a role to play. Yet leadership is...

The Various Relationships a Leader Must Juggle

Iremember watching an entertainer juggling multiple balls at once. Up in the air goes one ball as another falls and still there’s another ball...

Why Relationships Should Matter to Leaders

There’s an old axiom in leadership. It goes something like this: Leadership is lonely. Leadership is isolated. And you have to lead through it. I’ve...

3 Steps to Self-awareness for Leaders

In the midst of being put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens, Socrates uttered the famous line, “The unexamined life is not...

You Lose What You Don’t Use

Every year I look forward to ice climbing in February. Every year I remember how much fun I had climbing frozen waterfalls in Munising...
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The Chrino: Christian In Name Only

Nearly seven out of ten (69%, Cultural Research Center) of American adults self-identify as a Christian. With an adult population (18 years and older)...

5 Tips for Leading Effective Meetings

What do you think of when you think of a business meeting? Is it a time to be productive? Or is it a time...

Sometimes We Lead; Sometimes We Follow.

That the leaders led in Israel, and that the people volunteered, O bless the Lord.  (Judges 5:2) No one is a leader all the time...