What Size Must a Church Be to Trigger the Need for Revitalization?

The question came through Church Answers Central, our forum where pastors and church leaders seek feedback in a safe and private place with peers of...

3 Steps Churches Can Take to Help Prevent a Second American Civil War

“3 Steps Churches Can Take To Help Prevent a Second American Civil War” is written by Joe Terrell, Carey Nieuwhof’s content manager and the...

Top Ten Post-pandemic Reasons Guests Do Not Return to Your Church

In a recent conversation with a pastor I admire greatly, he commented, “We love seeing first-time guests, but we really love seeing second-time guests....

8 Reasons Why Church Change Is so Difficult

Wise leaders and pastors understand that lasting change requires individuals to change first before an organization will change. Your change won’t last or will...

How Not to Waste Everyone’s Time with Snooze Fest Church Meetings

I’ve been there. Maybe you have too. A discussion about a $100 expense swirls around the committee for thirty minutes. Someone believes they can...

Non-anxious Innovation and the Overwhelming Urge to Nap

Written by: Brad Edwards  Brad Edwards is the planter and lead pastor of The Table Church in Boulder County, CO, the cohost of Everything Just Changed, and writes about...

Seizing Back to School Gospel Moments

It has already started. Emails from school districts, school supply lists at your local Walmart and Target, shiny new shoes, and lunch box and...

How to Develop Young Leaders

Most of us have young leaders in our organizations. Some of us have a lot of young leaders in our organization. As someone with...

Lessons In Practical Evangelism

Written by: Doug Logan  Doug Logan is an associate director for Acts 29 and has been in urban ministry for nearly 25 years. In 2011, he planted...

Developing Multi-site Church Culture

Culture across multiple locations takes twice as much work and requires an intentional plan to unite your staff. William Vanderbloemen shares 3 tips on...
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Joe’s 10 Iron-clad Rules for Success In the Ministry.. Some of Which May Work

You’re new in the ministry, right?  And you want to do well, of course. You have definitely come to the right place, friend.  Pull...

Churches Are Not Christian Cruise Ships

Is it possible that your church isn’t a perfect fit for everyone? Everyone is welcome, but maybe another church might meet their unique and individual...

5 Ways to Respond When Life Throws You a Curveball

Curveballs in life are inevitable. Unexpected surprises can level us or become opportunities to learn. The curveball thrown to Joseph when Mary told him about...