Home Authors Posts by Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof
My name is Carey Nieuwhof. I'm a former lawyer and founding pastor of Connexus Church. I'm married to Toni and we have two grown sons. I'm incredibly passionate about helping people thrive in life and leadership. That's why I write blogs and books, like my latest best-seller Didn’t See It Coming: Overcoming the Seven Greatest Challenges That No One Expects But Everyone Experiences, host a weekly leadership podcast, speak to leaders all over the world and produce courses like the The High Impact Leader.

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Think First of Who, Then How by Mike Ware

Earlier in ministry, my wife and I had a strong vision for Colorado and moved to the northwest side of the Denver metro area...

Pruning, Preparing and Praying Your Way to Church Growth by Jason Swann

I officially took over the pastorate at Cornerstone the Sunday after Mother’s Day 2021. In just eight weeks, the place exploded. We more than...

6 Things Your Boss Counts on

Most everyone has a boss. Someone they report to at work. Do you? If you are fortunate, you work for someone who cares about...