3 Benefits to Leaving Margin In Your Schedule

Written by: Monica Wilkinson  Monica Wilkinson is wife to David and mom to three teenagers. She serves as the women’s discipleship director at Cross Community Church...

Integrity: the Accomplishment of Being One with Your Word

What an attribute of an honorable man, integrity. The Bible asks the question: who can find a faithful man? Prob 20:6. Why has it become the...

The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Train Your Brain for Success

Positive thinking won’t allow you to do anything, but it will allow you to do everything better than negative thinking will… That’s a quote...

Keep on Trusting

Many of us are wondering what God will do in our lives. How will we hear from him? How do we position ourselves to...

The Shortcomings of Extroverted Pastors and How to Overcome Them

Both extroverts and introverts can lead well. Both can lead poorly. Personality is only one part of leadership. However, your personality as a leader...

You Don’t Need to Apologize for Crying

Written by: Kent Bass Kent Bass serves as the pastor for counseling and member care at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. He has an...

3 Dangers the Day after Easter

It’s the day after Easter, did your services go like you hoped and prayed? Were your prayerful expectations fulfilled? Were there any surprises you didn’t anticipate? What...

What Mirror Are You Looking Into?

I loved going to the carnival growing up. We had one in our town, and each year, nearly everyone would come out and enjoy...

Stopping the Inner Mental Chatter When You Teach and Preach

Has this every happened to you when you teach preach? You’re in a groove and as you scan your audience, you notice someone not...

Calvin’s Advice on Wisdom for Church Planters

Written by: Philip Moore Philip Moore is Acts 29’s vice president for global regions and the Europe network director. He lives in Paris with his wife,...
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The Chrino: Christian In Name Only

Nearly seven out of ten (69%, Cultural Research Center) of American adults self-identify as a Christian. With an adult population (18 years and older)...

5 Tips for Leading Effective Meetings

What do you think of when you think of a business meeting? Is it a time to be productive? Or is it a time...

Sometimes We Lead; Sometimes We Follow.

That the leaders led in Israel, and that the people volunteered, O bless the Lord.  (Judges 5:2) No one is a leader all the time...