You Might Just Be Saved If…


God uses saved people to save people.

Do you ever wonder if you are really counted in THAT NUMBER? Are you really, really saved? How do you know for sure? Would it help you if I pointed out some indicators that would help you know?

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy has a well-known act that starts by saying, “You might be a Red Neck IF…”

1. “If you’ve ever made change in the offering plate, you might be a redneck.”

2. “You may be a redneck if your life goal is to own a fireworks stand.”

3. “If you own a home with wheels on it and several cars without, you just might be a redneck.”

4. “Do you know why it’s so hard to solve a Redneck murder? Because the DNA’s all the same and there are no dental records.”

5. “If you ever cut your grass and found a car, you might be a redneck.”

Well, similar to Foxworthy analogy’s of a Redneck, I put together a shortlist of a few attributes of people that might not be saved and a few more that tell you that you just might be going to heaven:

    1. If you’ve never prayed a prayer of salvation Romans 10:9-10, you might not be saved.

    2. If you don’t enjoy attending church and worshipping The King, you might not be saved.

    3. If you haven’t shared your testimony with anyone in the last couple of months in an attempt to share the Gospel and ultimately lead them to salvation, you might not be saved.

    4. If you do not enjoy giving generously from the things God has given you so that others might know Him, you might not be saved.

    5. If you are holding unforgiveness towards anyone you might not be saved.

Signs you might be saved if:

    1. You’ve prayed Romans 10:9-10

    2. You pray daily for others.

    3. You are a generous giver.

    4. You evangelize daily and bring people to church weekly.

    5. You cannot have a meaningful conversation without mentioning your King.


Ultimately, Jesus is The Door to salvation and He determines who is authentic in their walk with Him. So these indications are just that. Indications that you might be saved or might not. 

Eat the meat and spit out the bones.

If the shoe fits, wear it. 

Only judge yourself, love everyone else, and let God judge them.

Our books are full of simple truths that hopefully help you talk to friends and family easier.

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Keep Pressing!


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G.F. Watkins
G.F. Watkins is an international leader, speaker, visionary, church planter, and an author of seven books. From his humble beginnings as a high school coach, G.F. has gone on to plant churches around the world starting with PowerHouse Church in Katy, Texas, Powerhouse Namibia in Africa, and PowerHouse Peru in South America.  As a spiritual son to the late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, father of the modern day men’s movement, G.F. Watkins’ principle of ministry and church planting is the restoration of the world through the restoration of the man. This fundamental belief, that men are God’s answer to the world’s  problems, birthed the world wide movement known as Man Church over 20 years ago.  Man Church teaches that manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous. It is the foundation on which all of PowerHouse Church and its covenant churches are built on. Reach the man, change the family; change the family, change the church; change the church, change the community; change the community, change the city; change the city, change the state; change the state, change the nation; change the nation, change the world. It all begins with men taking responsibility and taking their rightful place. After pastoring PowerHouse Katy for 20 years and planting churches around the globe, G.F. has stepped into the role of an apostolic leader and coach through his organization The Genesis Team. The Genesis team serves as a covering and a resource to pastors and business leaders, their families, and their staff. Sharing the wisdom gained over 30 years of ministry he guides young pastors and leaders as they navigate the obstacles of life. Pastor G.F. travels the world equipping God’s leaders with strategies for increasing commitment levels, developing and growing strong men’s ministries, and impacting the world with the gospel.