The Fear Factor


Fear makes people do the strangest things. Your enemy knows how to punch your fear button. 

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear…” – 1 John 4:18

Combine this with: “…God is Love.” – John 4:8 

We can then say that there is no FEAR in God. Agreed?

Christians must believe that they are eternal beings, therefore they live eternally from today forward. Fear has no hold over someone like that. They are fear-less. The enemy has no control over that fearless person. However, if you look at many today, you will see them making decisions based on fear in their lives, their finances, their positions, etc. Again, fear is not of God. Yet Fear has become a real factor in our daily decisions.

The book of Revelations says of real believers; “And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” This means they are not afraid to sacrifice their lives for Christ.

William Wallace, Braveheart, said, “All men die, very few men ever really live!”

That is so true! We all have an expiration date on us, so why not live your life to the fullest and for the King? He’s already saved us from Hell, to Heaven, so run your race. Don’t react out of fear, live by faith. Say what Jesus said, do what Jesus did, give what Jesus gave. What are you afraid of, unless you really don’t believe?

Are you afraid of COVID? Afraid of never finding true love? Are you afraid of bullies? Making mistakes or being laughed at? The list goes on. 


Where are you when it comes to death? Loss? Do you really believe? What is your fear factor?

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.” – Mark 8:35 

So many times when Jesus challenged someone’s salvation, he would tell them to give to the poor. You see, the heart can be evaluated best when giving comes into play. Fear and greed go hand in hand.

Take a look at your annual giving to God. It will say a lot about your level of fear or faith in God.

Read our last book entitled “Test Me.” In the last chapter, I’ve included quotes from famous men and how they viewed money and fear.

Winston Churchill whom some say singlehandedly turned around WWII said this: “WE make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” No fear!

John D Rockefeller, Sr. one of America’s wealthiest pioneers said this: “I believe it’s every man’s religious duty to get all he can honestly and then to give all he can.”

John Wesley the founder of the Methodist church said this: “When I die, if I leave behind me ten pounds …you and all mankind may bear witness against me, that I have lived and died a thief and a robber.”

May we, in this vapor of life, be joyfully pinched and hampered as we lay up treasures in heaven, our true home purchased for us by Christ. As we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, God just might use us to once again turn the world upside down!  Acts 17:6.

Get the book “Test Me” today (click here).

Let me hear from you.

– G.F. 

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G.F. Watkins
G.F. Watkins is an international leader, speaker, visionary, church planter, and an author of seven books. From his humble beginnings as a high school coach, G.F. has gone on to plant churches around the world starting with PowerHouse Church in Katy, Texas, Powerhouse Namibia in Africa, and PowerHouse Peru in South America.  As a spiritual son to the late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, father of the modern day men’s movement, G.F. Watkins’ principle of ministry and church planting is the restoration of the world through the restoration of the man. This fundamental belief, that men are God’s answer to the world’s  problems, birthed the world wide movement known as Man Church over 20 years ago.  Man Church teaches that manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous. It is the foundation on which all of PowerHouse Church and its covenant churches are built on. Reach the man, change the family; change the family, change the church; change the church, change the community; change the community, change the city; change the city, change the state; change the state, change the nation; change the nation, change the world. It all begins with men taking responsibility and taking their rightful place. After pastoring PowerHouse Katy for 20 years and planting churches around the globe, G.F. has stepped into the role of an apostolic leader and coach through his organization The Genesis Team. The Genesis team serves as a covering and a resource to pastors and business leaders, their families, and their staff. Sharing the wisdom gained over 30 years of ministry he guides young pastors and leaders as they navigate the obstacles of life. Pastor G.F. travels the world equipping God’s leaders with strategies for increasing commitment levels, developing and growing strong men’s ministries, and impacting the world with the gospel.