Remember Fubu?

In the 1990s, FUBU apparel was a “must-have” for socialites and young people in my context. The four-letter acronym solicited varying measures of accolade...

Make Something with the Pieces You’ve Been Given

When you reframe setbacks as opportunities, you find that you gain much more than you have lost.Jesus Calling, November 4 Here’s the truth about life: a whole lot...

The Sin of Informality

Perhaps the most common form of misusing the name of the Lord in our time is the one I have saved for last: speaking...

If You Don’t Revitalize, You’ll Need Replanting

“We’ve replanted once, and we’ve revitalized ten times.” This statement always baffles people, yet it’s the answer to a question people often ask regarding...

Mending a Broken Relationship: It’s Possible

I am a God who heals. I heal broken bodies, broken minds, broken hearts, broken lives, and broken relationships. My very Presence has immense healing...

Confronting a Crisis of Trust

Who can you trust? That’s the title of Oxford lecturer Rachel Botsman’s book, reflecting on profound cultural shifts. She writes: “A deep loss of...

Capital M-miracles

“As the Spirit’s Love shines through you, My healing Presence goes to work in the other person.” Jesus Always I was up late at night, writing...

Praying with St. Patrick

Coming to the middle of March means it has now been a full year of COVID restrictions and lockdowns. What a unique experience we’ve...

Ordinary Christian, You Have an Extraordinary Mission

It’s often hard to see the mission field in the midst of everyday life. But our ordinary lives—work, school, errands, running kids to music...

The Danger of Diversity

I’m not really a fan of clickbait. So before you read any further, you need to know that I think diverse churches are a...
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Joe’s 10 Iron-clad Rules for Success In the Ministry.. Some of Which May Work

You’re new in the ministry, right?  And you want to do well, of course. You have definitely come to the right place, friend.  Pull...

Churches Are Not Christian Cruise Ships

Is it possible that your church isn’t a perfect fit for everyone? Everyone is welcome, but maybe another church might meet their unique and individual...

5 Ways to Respond When Life Throws You a Curveball

Curveballs in life are inevitable. Unexpected surprises can level us or become opportunities to learn. The curveball thrown to Joseph when Mary told him about...