Rise Above During the Pandemic | the Joycast | Kent Annan

What we’re experiencing during the pandemic is familiar territory to disaster guru Kent Annan. Discover where we’ve been, and more important where we’re headed on the road to recovery.

{You can listen to the show HERE, and make sure you never miss The Joycast – subscribe using your favorite podcast app (iTunesSpotifyGoogle Play) And of course, I would love if you would share with your friends!}


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Jammytime with Margaret

“What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do” Greeting Cards

You Are Braver Than You Think
When People Say Impossible
You Are Prayed For

Taste and See:
Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers Bible Study


You Welcomed Me: Loving Refugees and Immigrants Because God First Loved Us

Slow Kingdom Coming: Practices for Doing Justice, Loving Mercy and Walking Humbly in the World

After Shock: Searching for Honest Faith When Your World Is Shaken

Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle: Living Fully, Loving Dangerously