What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do


I hate not knowing things. So usually, when I’m asked a question to which I don’t know the answer, my brain goes through a very quick decision-making process about whether I 1.) honestly admit my cluelessness, or 2.) make something up.

Sadly, option #2 wins way too often.

I have this mistaken idea that I’m supposed to know the answer to any question and the solution for any situation I might come across. But that’s simply not true.

In reality, God knows you and I won’t have all the answers. In fact, we really don’t have very many at all. And God also knows we’re going to be afraid to admit that we don’t know the answers, so he gave us a promise.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

~ James 1:5 NIV

This one verse seems to put me at ease in so many ways. James is speaking by inspiration of God, of course, as he gives us several assurances, such as:

  1. You won’t know it all.
  2. God does know it all.
  3. Yes, you can ask him for wisdom.
  4. No, he’s not going to be annoyed.
  5. Yes, he loves giving you answers.

You’ll never know what to do if you won’t admit that you don’t know what to do. And you’ll also never know what to do if you are afraid to ask God for help.

If you do find the courage to ask for wisdom and help, not only will God say yes, you will personally esperience the goodness and generosity of God as he works in your life.