The Most Dangerous Prayer You’ll Ever Pray | the Joycast | Jack Deere

What would happen if you prayed, “Holy Spirit, I want ALL of you”? Jack was a professor at Dallas Seminar who realized that some of his cherished arguments against miraculous gifts were based more on prejudice and a lack of personal experience than on the Bible. So he took a fresh look at the Scriptures, and invited the Holy Spirit into his life anew—just like we’re doing—and everything changed.

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Jammytime with Margaret

“What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do” Greeting Cards

You Are Braver Than You Think
When People Say Impossible
You Are Prayed For

Taste and See:
Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers Bible Study


Why I am Still Surprised by the Power of the Spirit: Discovering How God Speaks and Heals Today

Even in Our Darkness: A Story of Beauty in a Broken Life