Leading In Crisis

I believe the opportunity has never been greater for the church to shine. 

Needless to say, a lot has changed in our world over the last 48 hours.

While the world around us pauses and isolates to try to combat the spread of the coronavirus, I believe the opportunity has never been greater for the church to shine. 

Though there’s never been anything like this in our lifetimes, we have previously experienced crisis. When crisis disrupts individual lives, communities and even our nation, people are inclined to turn to the church for assurance and understanding. This will be no exception. I’m certain God will use this crisis to turn people’s hearts toward him.

Because of that, I think you and your church are uniquely positioned to impact your community. Even though worship gatherings will likely pause at your church, the time has never been more appropriate for you and your ministry team to be the church.

For Such a Time as This

At the beginning of the year, the Holy Spirit prompted me to start praying for one pastor, their church and their community by name every day. Yesterday I prayed for Seth Still, the senior pastor of Crosstown Fellowship in Cleveland, Mississippi. I prayed for his walk with Jesus. I prayed that God would strengthen his leadership. I prayed that God would protect his family.

I also prayed that the church would grow its reach and influence in the community and hundreds of people would give their lives to Jesus through their ministry. I prayed for Cleveland, Mississippi, just like I’ve been praying for communities across the world over the last months. I’ve been praying that lives and communities would be transformed through the ministry of the local church.

When I began praying for pastors, their churches and their communities at the beginning of the year, I had no idea our world would be facing this crisis today. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that God prompted me to begin praying in this way, though. And, that’s one more reason why I think God has appointed you and positioned your church for such a time as this.

Here’s my promise to you.

I will continue praying for you while I pray for physical and spiritual healing in the world around us. And, in the coming days, our team at The Unstuck Group is going to do all we can to help you and your church leverage this opportunity to be a beacon of hope for the people in your community.

Until then, I shared this reminder with my team yesterday. It’s a great reminder that Jesus offers us a better way to live life…even in moments of crisis.

Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”John 14:27, NLT

Here’s my first bit of advice for you. Lead like Jesus has transformed your life. And leverage this moment for the church to bring assurance and hope to a world filled with fear.

It’s time for your church to be the church