Go Forth

Go Forth

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed” (Genesis 12:1-3).

God had a plan for Abram’s life, one that included a personal calling, specific instructions, and wonderful promises. The Lord used Abram (who would later become Abraham) and immensely blessed him. Abram’s willingness to obey God was crucial to fulfilling his calling even though his new appointed journey was not always easy.

God called Abram to “Go forth.” Within this call to go ensued an aspect of “Letting go,” and also of “Taking hold.” God called Abram to “Let go” of familiarities he previously had known and kept to “Take hold” of God and His promises, which would keep him. God did not call Abram to dwell in his past or to linger where he currently resided. God called Abram to “Go forth.”

God will not call all of us to leave our countries, our families, or our fathers’ houses to follow the calling of God on our lives. Yet, one thing is for certain, no matter where we find ourselves in our journeys with God, He will always call us to “Go forth” with Him, wherever He leads us, keeps us, or redirects us, to fulfill His perfect plans in our lives.

Remember, God always sees the bigger picture, while we only see what is in front of us. Trust His call on your life. He sees what you do not see! Go forth! 

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Dr. O’Shea Lowery is the mother of two and the Nana of six. She is a passionate speaker and writer, imparting God’s truth and lessons, which He has entrusted to her, to women’s groups, church classrooms, and through women’s Bible studies, poems, podcasts, and blogs. O’Shea is a regular podcaster for LEAD Magazine, a Christian leadership magazine reaching over a million believers. Shea received her bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry from Blue Mountain College, her master’s degree in Biblical Counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and her doctorate in Family Ministries at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is a member of FBC Dallas, in Dallas, Texas.


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