The Worrying and Fearful Leader

Worry and anxiety can stifle the effectiveness of the best leader. In my life when anxiety gets the best of me, my leadership always...

4 Reasons Why It Matters That Church Leaders Are Praying Leaders

I am convinced that prayer is the most difficult spiritual discipline to develop—even for church leaders. Prayer assumes that we live in dependence on...

Sermon Illustrations on Faith: Inspiration and Examples

So let me guess. You’ve found yourself partway through writing a sermon on a powerful subject and felt like things just aren’t coming together as you...

How to Handle Ever-diminishing Attention Span As a Leader

Attention spans are getting shorter, and it’s basically a curse. While it used to be children and those with ADD and ADHD, now it’s...

Pastoring with the Personal Touch

“I just called to say I love you…” –Stevie Wonder This week I received a note from a pastor friend.  “When you were here three...

3 Mindsets for Leaders and Money – and the Truth About Materialism

How a leader relates to money is contagious. Whether you lead a small group or the entire church, how you handle money influences others...

How to Check Back Into Your Church Job If You Have Been Checked Out...

Tens of millions quit their jobs during the Great Resignation. Beginning in March 2021, most areas of the economy experienced a mass of people...

3 Soul Toxins That Derail Servant Leadership

Joe Stowell1 describes servant leadership as “leading for the benefit of others.” That captures it well. Servant leadership is easily understood, but not so easily practiced on...

Six Common Patterns In Toxic Churches That Fire Pastors

The title of this article might engender some visceral reactions. I get it. It is not a pleasant subject. For church members who have...

How to Build a Trustworthy Staff

Trust makes the ministry world go ‘round. Evidence of trust abounds in our field: People contribute financially to your cause, they share their lives...
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The Chrino: Christian In Name Only

Nearly seven out of ten (69%, Cultural Research Center) of American adults self-identify as a Christian. With an adult population (18 years and older)...

5 Tips for Leading Effective Meetings

What do you think of when you think of a business meeting? Is it a time to be productive? Or is it a time...

Sometimes We Lead; Sometimes We Follow.

That the leaders led in Israel, and that the people volunteered, O bless the Lord.  (Judges 5:2) No one is a leader all the time...