How to Make Failure a Regular Part of Your Life

You probably don’t remember your early years of trying to walk. You’d push yourself up, stumble around, and then fall flat on your bum....

Why Do People Listen to You?

You work hard to prepare the talks and sermons you deliver. You pray and anticipate life change, but the often-overlooked question is, what keeps someone...

Five Reasons Why Decreasing the Number of Worship Services Might Be the Best Move

For years, the conventional wisdom has been that increasing the number of worship services is the best path to go. You rarely heard leaders...

The Importance of Speaking Your Employees’ Language

As any business grows, it’s only natural that management will have to get involved more directly with the employees in order to keep the...

5 Ways Pastors Make Ministry Harder Than It Needs to Be

You know how difficult church leadership can be. You work hard to reach people. Then you ask them to give meaningfully, volunteer their time, and...

Recruiting and Taking Care of Volunteers This Holiday Season

With the holiday season in full swing, capable volunteers are in high demand because it is no secret that churches rely on volunteers to...

How to Foster ‘aha’ Moments In Your Team

Wise leaders encourage their teams to solve their problems with their own insight rather than with the leader’s insight. When an staff person or...

The Impact of Simplicity by Pastor Scott Porter

I grew up in church. I was raised in the Church of God in Anderson, Indiana, which is similar to a Nazarene church. It...

What Does Good Leadership Look Like for Trucking Companies?

Trucking companies are the backbone of society. So many businesses depend on getting their goods from A to B, safely into the hands of...

How a Preacher Can Know If He’s Lazy

This should be a no-brainer, but apparently, it’s not. I wrote an article for this website called “Things the Lazy Pastor Doesn’t Know–But is About...
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The Chrino: Christian In Name Only

Nearly seven out of ten (69%, Cultural Research Center) of American adults self-identify as a Christian. With an adult population (18 years and older)...

5 Tips for Leading Effective Meetings

What do you think of when you think of a business meeting? Is it a time to be productive? Or is it a time...

Sometimes We Lead; Sometimes We Follow.

That the leaders led in Israel, and that the people volunteered, O bless the Lord.  (Judges 5:2) No one is a leader all the time...