Mark Cole: Turn Mistakes Into Success

If you’re human, you are going to make mistakes. I love Denis Waitley’s perspective: “Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later a...

4 Reflections for Pastors In Their Preparations for the Fall Teaching Season

The adage is that a pastor wears three hats: leader, teacher, shepherd. Those three areas often overlap in ministry, and there are seasons in...

How God Prepares You for Change

To move forward with God, we must welcome change. The Lord declares, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old....

5 Key Leadership Traits of a Great Campus Pastor

The concept of the campus pastor is a genius kind of idea. For more than a decade, the roles and responsibilities of a campus pastor...

Two Things Every Leader Should Avoid Like the Plague

Several years ago my friend, Dave Anderson, released his book, Up Your Business: 7 Steps to Fix, Build, or Stretch Your Organization. I remember...

You Are Not the Problem

You are an answer. “No,” you may say, “I am not. I am a problem. You don’t know what my life has been like.”...

Focus on Teaching Your Children These 10 Powerful Values

People often ask, “Why should I bring my child to church?” Or, “What are the values a child should learn from a life in...

Why Struggles Are so Stubborn

If your experience was anything like mine, you were exposed to porn at a young age. I was twelve years old when a friend...

The Liabilities of Being a Perfectionist

Too many leaders are paralyzed by perfection. While perfect may be inspiring in a moment or for a season, it is impossible when leading for...

5 Weapons That Will Knock Out Regret

Decisions cause regret. Someone said, “If you made no decisions, you would have no regrets!” Regret can paralyze your forward motion for years. How do...
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