The Calling to Endure

Looking at successful entrepreneurs throughout history can reveal the characteristics needed to start and build something from scratch. I suspect the list of traits...

The “who, Me?” of Leadership

There are individuals who, as soon as they walk into the room, you realize they are real leaders, born leaders. There’s a charisma that...

20 questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Considering Planting a Church

Written by Dr. J. Allen Thompson, President of the International Church Planting Center in Atlanta, and coordinator of multicultural church planting for Mission to...

20 Things Pastors Should Not Love Too Much

“Do not be excessively righteous or overly wise” (Ecclesiastes 7:16). I read somewhere that this was a favorite verse of Martin Luther, someone who apparently...

Contagious Churches by Jim Graff

Are you praying for insight about how your church can impact the unchurched?  I remember thinking – “If our church ever becomes popular among the...

A Brighter Tomorrow Awaits Your Church

If God can save any person, He can save any church. No church should die. Ever. Perhaps a church is far gone, deep into a toxic state...

4 Great Resources for Good Preaching

I asked people on Twitter to share the characteristics of what they thought comprised a good sermon. I compiled their helpful thoughts and came...

Prayer—the Greatest Tool We Have

“The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16). No greater heartache occurs than when one of our children is suffering or experiencing...

6 Tips for Ministry That Reflects the Kingdom with Ej Hibbler

Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with EJ Hibbler, who works for Pine Cove Christian Camps. He was able to share some wisdom on...

4 Principles to Elevate the Impact of Discipleship and Evangelism

Every church leader has at least a slight bias toward either discipleship or evangelism; it’s part of how each of us is wired. Knowing...
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