Question One: Favorite hobby? Singing.
Question Two: What is your favorite dish to prepare, and what is your favorite food to eat? I love to cook and eat a variety of foods. I enjoy cooking casserole dishes and I enjoy eating Italian food the most.
Question Three: How long have you been married? What are three valuable lessons you have learned about marriage, that you would entrust to others today? I’ve been married fifteen years. I’ve learned it is important to love one another in the ways that are important to each partner—that creates a reciprocal effect of love and harmony. Trust is vital to a relationship. Prioritize time with each other and be intentional and focused on connection during that time.
Question Four: How has your husband impacted your life? My husband has taught me much about love, grace, mercy, and endurance.
Question Five: How many kids do you have and what are their ages? Two children: ages 12 and 9.
Question Six: What advice would you give to parents today regarding rearing children? Don’t be so hard on yourself. Pray for God to equip you daily with the parenting abilities needed for that day.
Question Seven: If someone were to say to you today, “I want to give up,” what would you say to encourage that individual? No one else can fill your shoes, and God wants to use you to impact someone else’s life.
Question Eight: If you could speak to your 18-year-old self today, what are two things you would tell her? Pour heavily and steadily into your relationship with Jesus.
Question Nine: Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.” What happens when we start leaning on our own understanding of what we think needs to happen, versus trusting God with the situation at- hand? Leaning on my own abilities causes way too much stress and anxiety when I can simply hand it over to God and trust Him with it.
Question Ten: What advice would you pass on today as relates to the importance of family? Family is a gift from God and it’s under attack of the enemy. Don’t allow him to destroy what God has created.
Question Eleven: If you were given permission to speak one-on-one with the Queen of England, what would you ask? Do you have a relationship with Jesus?
Question Twelve: If you were given permission to speak with the President of the United States, and you had only five minutes, would you pose a question, or would you share a message dear to your heart? If a question, what would it be? If to share a message, what would it be? The Gospel would be the most important message I could share with the President and/or anyone else.
Question Thirteen: What five things matter most to you in this world. God, husband, children, family, and friends.
Question Fourteen: Let’s talk legacy. How do you want most to be remembered by your family, your friends, and your peers? I want to be remembered for being salt-and-light and walking in accordance with God’s Word.
Question Fifteen: How has Jesus changed your life? He has saved me, and shown me that all is possible, and in Him, I have purpose, no matter what.