5 Questions That Reveal Your Leadership Strength


Kevin Cashman wrote a great book every leader should read, Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life. In it he challenges leaders to lead from character, the inside. If you’ve not read it, I highly recommend it. In one chapter he lists several questions that can help reveal where our leadership strengths lie. I’ve adapted his questions into five below. I suggest reading these questions slowly and reflectively every day for the next 5 days.

5 Questions that Reveal a Leader’s Strengths

  1. What would your dearest friend say in a moment of deep admiration of you?
  2. When you feel energized and fully alive, what strengths and traits do you exercise?
  3. What circumstances bring out your strongest character traits?
  4. What experiences in your life have caused you to feel most completely yourself?
  5. If you witnessed your funeral, what do you hope people would say about your life?

When we discover, develop, and deploy our strengths and gifts, we maximize our Kingdom impact and experience the greatest joy.

One of my life verses reminds me to focus on building character as a leader.

But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands. (Is. 32.8, NIV)