The Secret to Overcoming Our Nation’s Division and Polarization | the Joycast | Greg Holder



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We’re living in an increasingly toxic culture. Learn how to break through barriers and discover the power of unity, no matter how far the divide.

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Beautiful Life: 40 Days in the Book of James

Taste and See:
Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers Bible Study


The Genius of One


A tough assignment for someone who loves to cook by instinct with constant tasting and tweaking.  This is off the top of my head, I’m sure I’ve missed some ingredients.  Toss in the ones I forgot as God nudges you.  I’ll probably do the same.

  • A big ol’ chunk of courage to say what’s really happening
  • Heaping mounds of discernment and vision
  • Humility—it comes in many forms and they’re all great in this recipe: developing the habit of sharing the spotlight, active listening, being the last person to speak at the table, asking really good questions.
  • A dollop of non-anxious presence goes a long way
  • Confession to God and to others as necessary. Keeps the bowl clean and the batter pure.
  • Season with insights from past successes and (this is very important) past failures
  • A dash of humor (even if you’re not funny, you’ve got to lighten up a little)
  • Continually add intellectual curiosity into the mix or the whole thing grows stale. Keep learning and asking and being completely gobsmacked by something.
  • Pour grace over everything. This sounds like a cliché, but it’s not.  You’ll go through a lot of it.  Grace offered to others, grace afforded to you.  Never lose sight of that.
  • Heat in the kitchen will get pretty hot at times. Don’t be surprised by that.  But do not let everything fry to a crisp.  This does absolutely no one any good.
  • Make sure you take this mixture out of the heat on a regular basis to cool. Don’t try to “be cool,” that’s actually not an ingredient and usually turns out gross.  Just “cool it” on a regular basis.
  • Knead it together – this will take effort. Don’t be afraid of the hard work.
  • Sprinkle in various and sundry spiritual gifts—there is no set formula here
  • Must be made in collaboration with others—leadership has terribly lonely moments, it’s true, but it simply cannot be baked alone. Doesn’t work.  Comes out overpowering and tastes terrible.  If you’re having difficulty doing this, you’ve skimped on the self-awareness and probably the humility
  • Creativity to taste.

While the basic recipe will have some non-negotiables, don’t be afraid of the various spices of personality, experience, and Holy-Spirit blessed quirkiness. DO NOT expect each batch to come out the same.  It won’t.  It shouldn’t.  Celebrate the subtle and shocking differences in flavor.  That’s a good thing.  It’s also a God thing.
