How to Protect Yourself on the Internet with the Ultimate Shield Against Pornorgraphy


Find out how to protect you and your family on the internet with the ultimate shield against internet porn. Jeff chats with the pioneer of internet accountability software and Co-founder of Covenant Eyes, Ron DeHaas. This episode is a call to arms and practical how-to guide for every man and woman who wants to claim victory from pornography. You’ll also hear about some new technology to be released by Covenant Eyes that adds extra protection on each of your digital devices. Use promo code MEN UNPLUGGED to get your first month of Covenant Eyes FREE.  Click HEREto Signup for the Ultimate Shield.

Guest Bio:
Ron is the president and co-founder of Covenant Eyes an internet accountability software for men, women and their families.  What I like to call – the ultimate shield on the internet.  Ron pioneered the concept of Accountability Software and is also the founder of Nehemiah Ministries, a 160-acre retreat and counseling center in south-central Michigan for pastors and missionaries.

Key Tips:

  • There is hope and freedom if you or someone else you know struggles with pornography
  • The first step in overcoming the temptation of pornography is to bring it to the Light (ask Jesus Christ for help)
  • The next step is to tell a trusted friend to help you stay accountable
  • The next step is to signup for Covenant Eyes through and use promo code MEN UNPLUGGED for your first month free.
  • Develop a Discipline towards your goal
  • Listen to the advice of others
  • God has given you the ability to accomplish amazing things
  • Accountability works! Accountability drains the life out of temptation.