In Leadership, Be Innovative and Creative, but Don’t Forget Your Soul!


This is the age of innovative ministry techniques and methodologies. We’re mad with creativity, which I love by the way, but at times we can be right in the midst of innovation and be missing out on developing something so much more vital – our souls.

I went through a period quite a few years ago in which all I was reading were books on growth, health, techniques, trends, etc. What I wasn’t doing, and need to be doing, was soaking in some classics, some devotional reading, and deepening my theology.

Related: A few years ago I discovered a fantastic devotional that combined deep, rich theology and word studies called Sparkling Gems From The Greek Vol. 1: 365 Greek Word Studies For Every Day Of The Year To Sharpen Your Understanding Of God’s Word.

So Pastor, here are three things we need to remember in the midst of our rapid ministerial pace…

Our Theology Can Always Use Deepening

Most systematic theologies will organize biblical doctrine around anywhere from ten to twenty major topics. There are four specific areas of theology that stand out in my mind as being vital to a Pastor’s soul-health:

  • The theology of our pastoral calling. Who is it exactly that God is calling me to be?is really more important than what are the tasks God has called me to do?
  • The theology of our message. It’s vital that our respect for the Word of God continues to be elevated. It’s the source of our confidence on stage and in life.
  • Our theology of heaven and hell. Eternity hangs in the balance and the degree to which we are not only believing biblical truths about eternity, but the degree to which we focus our thoughts on them directly relates to our approach to the Great Commission itself.
  • Our theology of Jesus. Ministry really ought to be about chasing the Person of Christ, not chasing a passion for organizational growth or ministerial success.

Our Relationships Can Always Use Attention

We often work so hard at establishing and growing relationships with our church family and our community that we forget about growing our relationship with our spouse and kids, our colleagues and co-laborers in ministry, and with friends whose connection with us is independent of our being their shepherd.

We can ALWAYS Use Greater Personal Growth

I mean that statement spiritually in the sense that if our quiet time and connection with Jesus flames out, we’re toast professionally anyway. But I also mean that professionally.

Sometimes I fall into the habit of trying to be a content producer and an influencer to the neglect of allowing myself to be shaped and influenced by other leaders, by books, and all the great content there is to consume.

In the midst of reaching people, doing ministry, preparing sermons, and growing a church, don’t forget the soul stuff!