How to Protect Your Time Off from Constant Emails (and Other “important” Requests)

We’ve all been there before, right? You’re out, enjoying time with friends or family and then you check your phone. You know you shouldn’t...

3 Ways Leaders Break Unhealthy

Good leaders help their followers grow. They keep their followers’ best interests a priority. They invest in their followers. But sometimes we unintentionally hold them back by creating...

Why an Interim Leader Is Your Only Choice

When people typically think of an interim pastor, they think of someone who is filling a temporary role until the position is filled by...

It’s 2032. Here’s What’s Left of the Church.

This article is a summary of the keynote I gave at the Church Disruption Summit. The full video replay with more details is available...

What to Do When the Pastor Stirs the Pot

“….according to my gospel, for which I suffer hardship even to imprisonment as a criminal….”  (2 Timothy 2:9) Pot-stirring: To take a stand on a...

5 Reasons You Will Flourish In the Local Church

“I Don’t Need A Local Church.” I hear it all the time.  People who check out of the local, visible, touchable local church.  Individualism rules...

Message Angst

Almost every preacher who has been charged with the responsibility to communicate the message of God’s Word can tell you this story.  Message prep...

Missional Partnerships That Advance the Gospel Worldwide

Written by: Olivia Meade  Olivia Meade works as a content editor for Acts 29. She’s a member of New Heights Church in West Virginia, where she...
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