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Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof
My name is Carey Nieuwhof. I'm a former lawyer and founding pastor of Connexus Church. I'm married to Toni and we have two grown sons. I'm incredibly passionate about helping people thrive in life and leadership. That's why I write blogs and books, like my latest best-seller Didn’t See It Coming: Overcoming the Seven Greatest Challenges That No One Expects But Everyone Experiences, host a weekly leadership podcast, speak to leaders all over the world and produce courses like the The High Impact Leader.

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The Redemptive Power of Confession

It happens. Leaders mess up. And leaders get in trouble. I’m so glad that it’s more uncommon than common, but I understand what’s in play. It’s human...

Staying Safe on the Road Is No Joke

Staying safe on the road is no joke. There are thousands of accidents every single year, and it’s time that we started taking this...

“everyone Wants a Piece of Me!” the Pastor’s Occupational Hazard

“Help! I’m being eaten alive by a school of minnows.” “I felt like I was being stoned to death by popcorn.” Ask any pastor. In my opinion,...