Making False Assumptions

The book centered around the year 1940 and all the war-related events of that year: Hitler’s invasion of the Low Countries, Churchill’s coming to power, Dunkirk, the Blitz, FDR’s election to the third term, and the isolationism in the USA.

I emailed the author of my appreciation for the book and added, “That year is also special because I made my appearance on March 28, 1940.”

Then I added, “But don’t think me old just because I was born in 1940.”

Later, I wondered why I’d gone to the trouble to say that, seeing as how I do not know that author and don’t expect to meet him. Why was that important to me?

I decided it’s a personal thing.

None of us want to be pigeon-holed because of demographics or statistics, nor for preconceptions or ignorance. Just because you are a Southerner does not make you a redneck. Living in Mississippi does not mean you are barefooted. All Louisianians do not speak Cajun. All Yankees are not rude.

Here’s a short list of assumptions I do not want people making about me. Again, it’s just a personal thing. Readers will have your own list.

Do not assume…

1) that I’m humorless just because I’m a preacher.

2) that I’m idle just because I’m retired.

3) that I’m unquestioning just because I’m a Christian.

4) that I’m saintly just because I’ve been saved since 1951.

5) that I’m intolerant just because I’m evangelistic.

6) that I’m homophobic just because I’m a conservative Christian.

7) that I’m set in my ways just because I’m grey-headed. (I am in some areas, but that’s another story.)

Clearly, this kind of list could go on and on. Don’t assume because I’m male that I’m insensitive, because I lived in New Orleans for thirty years that I’m worldly, because I’m from Alabama that I’m a hillbilly, or because I’m a human being that I’m not an animal lover. Don’t assume because I’m a creationist that I’m stupid.

People love to make these generalizations and assumptions based on their preconceptions and ignorance. We call that prejudice. They don’t consider your evidence but go immediately to the verdict which they had decided on in advance.

In Jesus’ day people made false assumptions about Him.

–They assumed because He was man, He could not be God. But He was. (See John 1:14 and 20:28)

–They assumed because His disciples were sometimes powerless, that He was, too. He wasn’t. (See Mark 9:18)

–They assumed because He allowed Himself to be executed on a Roman cross that He was defeated. That was actually when He won His greatest victory. (See John 10:18)

–They assumed because no one had ever risen from the grave that He hadn’t either. But He did. (See John 20 and I Corinthians 15)

–They assumed He was absent just because He went to Heaven and was no longer physically present. He was and He is. (See Matthew 28:18-20 and Hebrews 13:5)

–And today, many assume that He is not returning to earth because it’s been two thousand years since He left for glory.  But He is.  See Acts 1:11, among other places.

On the other hand, there are assumptions we may make about Jesus.

We may assume–

–He will keep His promises. See II Corinthians 1:20.

–He will finish what He has begun in us. That’s Philippians 1:6.

–He has His own reasons for what He does. Psalm 115:3 says this well.

–Even when He seems nowhere in evidence and things are tough for us, He is still present, still watching, and still Lord. Acts 7:56 is a good example of this.

–And, finally, we may assume that whoever turns to Him in simple repentance and faith is welcomed into His care, is forgiven of all sin, and is ushered into the family of God with full rights and privileges thereof. John 6:37 and Romans 10:13 bear this out.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your faithfulness. We praise you for encouraging us to base our eternity on your continued faithfulness. Amen.