Recently I have seen a barrage of articles in Christian publications and social media that are given such titles as, “Why Millennials Are Leaving the Church” and “Church Kids Leave the Church After College”. Of course as a pastor I have to be aware of problems the church faces and how we can be “relevant,” the buzz word of the last decade.

Now we will give our last breath to reach millennials and any other generation for that matter. So I have read these articles with an open mind. However, some of the articles contradict one another. One person writes, “we left the church because they don’t talk about controversial issues of our day” where another person writes, “we left the church because it takes on controversial issues that make me uncomfortable.” And there are many other reasons given such as the church has an expensive building, the church does not do enough to help the poor, the church is all about vision and mission statements, and we don’t want to be preached at.
So after reading many of these articles, I am prepared to give my thoughts:
Most of them are HOGWASH.
First of all, churches that are preaching Jesus Christ and the Bible are overflowing with every generation. People are hungry for the Gospel. Millennials are hungry for Jesus Christ! People reject religion; but they embrace Christianity when the Word is preached with passion, compassion, love, faith, and yes, relevance. Our church in Cloverdale is no exception. We have a very balanced age demographic in which 17 year-olds sit by 80 year-olds and worship together! We have a very healthy representation of young families and singles in their 20’s who are growing steadfastly in their faith in Christ!
Second of all, every generation goes through a rebellious phase. We are all born after Adam—which has a very sinful nature that wants to rebel against God. And the Millennial Generation is no exception. Let’s look back over the last few decades. In the 60’s—the young people left the church because of the culture of drugs, sex, and protests…But many more stayed in the church or found the church after they tried sin and found it took them nowhere. In the 70’s—young people left the church because of the culture. But many stayed. And the ones who left found that at the end of the night disco and drugs left you empty. And they returned to the church. In the 80’s (Gen X) young people left the church for a culture of materialism. But many stayed. And the ones that left soon found that wearing expensive clothes and living in excess left them empty and they returned to the church. In the 90’s (Gen Y) they left the church for a culture that cried out we want something organic, something earthy. Yet many stayed. And the ones that left—they found that recycling and protecting trees leave you empty at the end of the day.
So I am fully persuaded that this is not a new problem. This is the same Adamic nature that has plagued mankind since Adam & Eve rebelled against God. It just sells Christian publications to make it a “problem” that the “church must deal with.” It also empowers people who are in a rebellious season to feel they are justified in rebelling against God. But most will soon find the same emptiness that every generation before them has experienced and they will either choose to continue to douse it with substance, sex, silver, sloth, or stardom….Or come back to Perfect Love, Perfect Grace, and Total Fulfillment at the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Third of all, people seek to justify rebellion toward God regardless of what generation they are in. Saul told Samuel, “I didn’t obey God because I wanted to worship God.” Esau justified selling his birthright because he was hungry. People today will use any means necessary if they want to justify living in sin, rebellion, or a lukewarm attitude toward the things of God. And if that means blaming the church—so be it. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed satan. Saul blamed the people. The man at the Pool of Bethesda blamed everyone else.
As I conclude, some methods in the Kingdom will change, but some will not. I can assure you—the mission of the church is not going anywhere—to go into the world and make disciples. And I can assure you—we will continue to preach. 1 Cor. 1:21 tells us that it is the foolishness of preaching that gets people saved. And Romans 10:14-15 tells us that people will not get born again until they hear the preaching of the Gospel. And Jesus said, “I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” So folks, I don’t know about you, but I am putting my faith in the Words of Jesus, not in the wisdom of this world that passes away! Let us not be moved by a negative report! We are moved by the report of the Lord! And Jesus has told us that the harvest is ripe—that we would reap if we would labor! And if Jesus said it’s ripe—then it’s ripe!
So whether you are a millennial, a Gen X’er, a hippie, or a tree-hugger—Jesus died for you and there is great joy in His love. No matter what your generation it can be summed up like this:
No Jesus—No Peace…
Know Jesus—Know Peace!
Pastor Matt Nichols