5 Ways Church Technology Alleviates Pastor Burnout

This blog is written by the team at Gloo, offering advanced technology solutions, along with exclusive discounts, to help pastors accomplish tasks more efficiently, effectively, and with less stress.

Did you know that 40% of pastors are at a high risk of burnout? 

The data suggests that as of fall 2023, 53% of religious leaders have seriously considered leaving pastoral ministry at least once since 2020. This share is significantly higher than the 37% of pastors who reported feeling the same way in 2021.

We know burnout comes down to two things:

  1. Church leaders have too much on their plates
  2. They don’t see the payoff of their efforts

Sound familiar? You aren’t alone.

Pastors have to do a lot of work in the day-to-day duties of leading a church, and, despite that heavy workload, aren’t seeing the results they deserve, so it doesn’t feel rewarding at the end of the day. 

When you’re burned out, it’s hard to stay motivated to do all the important work you need to do as a church leader. In this article, you’ll see how technology can reduce your workload, bring your teams together, and drive the outputs that make your hard work feel worth every late night.

Your Job Made Easier – 5 Ways to Use Tech Differently:

1. Delegate More 

You spend hours a day on everyday tasks. With so many responsibilities, it’s hard to prioritize and still get to everything yourself.

Your most important task, of course, is leading your people and sharing the Gospel. When you have a strong church leaders behind you sharing the workload, you’ll feel less overwhelmed, allowing you to dedicate more time and focus to the tasks you do have on your plate.

Even pastors with small teams can benefit from smart delegation! Sharing the load with just one or two other people can have a tremendous impact. 

Delegation is easy in theory, but it can be harder in practice. That’s why it’s important to use all the tools at your disposal. Technology like project management platforms help keep you organized and allows you to assign tasks and deadlines to your team – keeping everyone aligned on projects and goals.

Slack, texting, and other communication tools make quick messages and updates for your team a breeze. You can easily ask a staff member to check in on an event, send an email, or coordinate some volunteers for an upcoming ministry.

2. Get the Most Out of Your Sermons

One of the biggest responsibilities of a church leader is to share the gospel. Your messages are the heartbeat of what you do.

From the outside, it looks like this work is done each Sunday when you preach at Sunday service, but the reality is that you spend hours writing, preparing, and practicing your sermons. And when you devote so much time and energy to this important work, it’s hard when you see your people leave service on Sunday and not think of your message again. 

Using AI tools like Church.Tech can significantly lighten your workload when it comes to sermon prep, giving you more time back to focus on your core mission of sharing the gospel with your people.

With Church.Tech, you can upload your sermon outline and get a fully fleshed-out sermon script, or you can take a recording of your latest Sunday sermon and upload it to get back transcripts, clickable video clips, social media posts, and even devotional plans to send your people each week.

Not only does this save you time while protecting your pastoral voice, but it also delivers countless items to highlight your message and keep your people engaged. 

3. Make Your Outreach More Effective

Outreach is one of the most important responsibilities a church leader has on their shoulders.

As Christians, we’re called to go beyond our church walls. Understanding and being able to connect with our wider community is a core mission. That can be a big lift, and unless you have the right tools at your disposal, it can be very difficult to effectively connect with these new people. 

Texting has proven to be the most effective and highly preferred method of communication these days. When it comes to connecting with new people in your neighborhood, it’s important to meet them where they are.

You can invite new people to events, create a strong personal relationship, and build the foundation for a lifelong membership. 

Meanwhile, church management systems centralize essential information, making it accessible and manageable for pastors and staff. These systems help track your visitors and members, major life events, and their individual needs.

Coupled with texting, it keeps you on track to deliver the personalized communication and care each member of your church deserves.

Not only does it help you dedicate personal attention to each person, but you can actually track the growth of each person in your flock—watching them progress in their faith journey can be very encouraging for a busy church leader. 

4. Offer Pastoral Care

When your people are sick or in crisis, you offer hope and comfort. As a trusted spiritual leader, teacher, and guide, your people turn to you when they are in need of pastoral care.

This is one of the most rewarding parts of your work, but it can also be draining and time-intensive. When they are in need of support, you drop everything to be there. 

Church management systems come in handy when you have to be there in an instant, ready to jump in and provide support to whoever needs it. Because you can track major life events and various stages of life, you’ll always know right where you left off with your people. 

Texting with your team is also a great way to coordinate volunteers when you’re called in more than one direction. Set up a meal train, a visitation schedule, or a prayer team for those in need.

Texting is the easiest way to activate your volunteers at a moment’s notice, organize shifts, and call for action. No more confused or lost volunteers. 

5. Measure and Guide Spiritual Growth

Helping people grow in their faith is a daily part of the job of a pastor. You don’t just want to teach people on Sundays; you want to guide them to grow and focus on their faith every day of the week.

That means connecting with individuals in need, offering resources and study materials, and challenging people to think about scripture and prayer in their daily lives. 

Assessments are a great way to take stock of where your people are in their faith journey so you can effectively plan how to help them continue to grow.

Gloo makes it easy to send assessments to your people, right on their phones, so that it’s easy to engage and participate. Regular assessments allow you to measure and track growth in your people so you know that what you’re doing is working. 

When you follow up with church texting, you can engage with your people each day of the week, seamlessly and simply.

Check-in with them, offer support, and engage them with daily devotionals if they are open to it. By keeping in touch throughout the week, you keep your people engaged with their faith, avoiding stagnation and distractions. That keeps them growing and learning. 

Reignite Your Calling with Technology

No one said the job of a church leader is easy, but we do it because it’s one of the most important callings you can have. But with so much on your shoulders, it’s easy to get spread thin. When you embrace all the tools at your disposal, you can do even more–without the stress. Who knew that technology could help reignite your calling?

Technology has come a long way, and now you can take advantage of technology that has been made with you in mind. You’ll reduce your burnout risk and will be surprised at how much more fulfilling your ministry can be when you utilize the resources available to you.