3 Ways to Be Generous


Do you want your people to take notice of you as a leader? Nothing goes further or speaks more to your people than how generous you are toward them.

People think about financial generosity when they hear the word. Yet, generosity goes far beyond giving of your financial resources.

Nothing exhilarates a team more than seeing their leader be a giving leader.

3 Ways To Be Generous

You may be wondering how you can be a generous leader without giving of your finances. I know not every leader or organization can afford to increase the pay of their employees. If that’s you, this post is for you. 

You can be generous in the following ways:

Become a mentor:

You’ve either started your own business, run a business, or lead people. The skills you’ve picked up along the way have served you and others well.

What are you doing to pass those skills to the next generation?

If the answer is nothing, you need to consider adding mentoring to your calendar.

Mentoring happens when you take the skills, knowledge, and experience you’ve gained over time and share them with someone else. This sharing will help them grow, improve themselves, and benefit others.

Be generous with your skills and talent.

Share your resources:

Not only do we have financial resources and skills to share, but we also have physical resources. Our organizations maintain a lot of equipment that is used sparingly.

What if you were able or willing to share those resources?

Many times battery-powered lawnmowers, chainsaws, conference rooms, vehicles, and other resources sit unused for weeks or months at a time. These are valuable resources that could benefit your community. They could even benefit your staff!

Imagine the power of sharing what you already own with those who don’t have the means to purchase these items. You could change the way a neighborhood looks, offer transportation to a single mother, or help someone start up a business.

Be generous by sharing your resources.

Speak kind words:

This form of generosity costs you the least but can return major dividends. Think about the way you talk to people. Are you speaking words of kindness or are you harsh and abrasive?

The way we speak to people can be a form of generosity. 

When words of kindness flow from your tongue, your words can be a refreshing spring to someone who has been verbally abused, talked down to, or had a rough day. Our words hold the power of life and death.

Learn how to be generous with your kind words. The kinder and gentler you are when speaking to someone, the more generous you are.

Be generous by speaking kindly to others.

Be Generous

Being generous doesn’t take a lot. You can be generous with your skills, resources, and kind words. Each of these will help you put to use things you already own or have within you.

Be willing to be generous and share what you have within and without.