When Directions Don’t Get You to Your Destination

The Redeem Mi Run recently happened in Montague, Michigan. The purpose of the run was to help raise funds to redeem the land which had been polluted, neglected, and abused.

Redeem Mi Land, an organization dedicated to the abovementioned goals, put on the event, which was their first and a great success. 

I was asked to be a part of this race. First, I was asked to find where to rent the start/finish line equipment. Second, I was asked to man a water/aid station at the 5K turnaround point.

One of the things I had to do for the aid station was to obtain water coolers that would dispense water. A person from my church was kind enough to allow us to borrow one of his spare coolers.

He gave me his address. I plugged it into the GPS. I turned into the driveway the GPS told me to go to.

There was a big problem. The GPS took me to the wrong house. 

His house was still a mile up the road.

When Directions Don’t Get You To Your Destination

We’ve become so reliant on technology to get us to where we want to go that we rarely check to see if it is bringing us to the right destination. In my situation, I was stopped early on my route to the house. The GPS told me I had arrived when I hadn’t.

How does this apply to leaders? We can take away three things from this experience.

1. Ensure the people you’re following are worth following:

Leaders don’t lead alone. They have a pack they run with.

This pack may be in person, virtual, or even through the content they consume.

Think about the people you’re running with. Who are they? What are they trying to accomplish? Are they doing the right things?

The people you’re around or following are taking you in a direction you may not be aware of. Look at their lives. If their lives do not align with your values, ensure you’re willing to go where they go.

You may discover they’re not worth following.

2. The advice of others may be incorrect:

I trusted Google Maps to guide me to my destination. I trusted the wrong thing.

We consume a lot of data. We read books, listen to speakers, and follow TikTokers or YouTubers to guide us.

Their advice can be invaluable. You can see the growth, advancements, and achievements you’ve made since listening to their wisdom.

But something one of the influencers you listen to bugs you.

You begin to research what they’ve been sharing. You discover that the information or advice they’ve shared is incorrect, and then you discover more incorrect information.

You have a choice to make: Do you continue to follow this person’s advice or find someone else to follow?

We have to be aware that people’s advice may not always be correct. It may lead us down the wrong road, discourage us, or make us think we’ve arrived when we haven’t.

3. Be willing to ask for new direction:

When I arrived at the location the GPS navigation took me to, I was greeted by two large German Shepherds. I soon see the owner and her two children. 

I approached the woman and stated that I was there to pick up the water cooler. She looked confused, even more so when I stated who I was looking for. 

Then she realizes I’m at the wrong house. She knows exactly what happened. It’s not the first time a GPS has taken someone to her home looking for the house I was.

She gave me new directions, I thanked her, and I had off to the correct house.

When you discover you’re going the wrong way, don’t be afraid to stop and ask for help. There are people who are willing to help you get to the right destination. All you have to do is ask.