Acts 29 Europe Conference In Latvia


Written by: Acts 29 on July 18, 2024

We plant churches worldwide by recruiting, assessing, training, and supporting church planters.
This following content was originally published on Acts 29’s website, linked HERE.

Editor’s Note: Listen to conference sessions and learn more about Acts 29 Europe by clicking here

Acts 29’s Europe Conference was held May 15–17 in Riga, Latvia, and welcomed over 150 church planters, pastors, and leaders from around the world. The conference was anchored on the book of Isaiah and its theme of finding strength and hope amid fear. In their three days together, conference participants heard from speakers Philip Moore, Tomáš Henžel, JD Gilmore, and Scott Zeller, along with various workshop options—all focused on combating fear with gospel hope. 

The conference was intentionally held in Latvia, which currently has no Acts 29 churches. We wanted to see what church planting efforts were already happening in the region and connect with potential planters to advance the gospel in the Baltics. Nearly 10 percent of those in attendance were from Latvia, although Acts 29 has no presence in the area. On the final day of the conference, Acts 29 leaders hosted an Interest Breakfast for potential partners and church planters. There were over 20 people who attended this breakfast who were eager to learn about planting and partnering with Acts 29! 

Philip Moore, Acts 29 regional director for Europe, said, “We pray this conference is a catalyst for church planting in the north-eastern part of Europe and that meaningful partnerships will be born to nurture a humble yet ambitious mission for Jesus.” In 2023, 11 churches joined Acts 29 in Europe—and we hope to see many more this year! Thank you for your partnership in church planting in Europe.