Leadership Quotes from Team World Vision’s National Leader’s Gathering 2024


You can tell a great organization by the way they treat their people. One of the best organizations is Team World Vision. They’re working to end the global water crisis by giving everyone access to clean water.

Their work is far-ranging and goes beyond just clean water. They also work to provide nutritious food and health care. It’s the reason I run for them and the awareness of the need for clean water.

This year, I’m running the London Marathon to do this. My goal is to raise $25,000 and bring clean water and life to 500 children. Every $50 raised is a child whose life is changed.

One of the things Team World Vision does is celebrate their leaders. They provide access to regional leaders to help guide them as they lead their local team. They also provide encouragement during the difficult times. Maybe the most amazing thing is they also put together an engaging and informative National Leader’s Gathering to thank them and equip them for the upcoming year.

This year’s National Leader’s Gathering was no different. They brought 250 church leaders to Chicago for a great weekend. Each speaker or panel member brought something special for the attendees. I couldn’t stop writing down the quotes from the speakers.

In this post, I want to share with you some of the most impactful leadership quotes from the National Leader’s Gathering.

Leadership Quotes From Team World Visions’ National Leader’s Gathering

These quotes are going to be short, quippy, and impactful. I think these speakers’ thoughts will pour into you and encourage you as you lead your teams.

Lyndsey Deane Ratchford – Team World Vision Director

  • There’s no such thing as other people’s children.
  • You already have what you need because I AM with you.
  • Just move in faith and God will do the rest.
  • The cause of poverty is fundamentally spiritual. The nature of poverty is fundamentally relational.
  • The solution is relationship.
  • We believe in a God that says “you are loved.”
  • If you’re starting with behavior, you’re not going to get very far. You have to get to the root.
  • Proximity and relationship and connection are life changing.
  • There are so many of us saying yes in the middle of very hard things.
  • They want more. They want the invitation too.
  • What makes us distinct?
  • We get to build the culture together!

Tim Hoekstra – Team World Vision Chaplin

  • I have no idea what my title means. It’s a role I’m in now, though.
  • Every single day to work through every city our teams are in and lift them up in prayer (purpose)
  • This takes some time, but it’s a distinct privilege.
  • It’s the open hands in front of you that says to God to take control.
  • Almost every good thing God has for us is on the other side of fear.
  • We exist in faith that audaciously challenges the dynamics of daily life.
  • It’s important how we close.

Jodi McDaniel – Senior Church Advisor At World Vision

  • It’s safe to say that we all have a story of transformation.
  • God began to work in her life.
  • I want you to take a minute to think about the way God has reframed the way you think about yourself.
  • Community is often a sense of feeling like you belong.

Annie Ferret – Indianapolis Area Director

  • HE had a greater vision than I did.
  • I said this is not okay with me.
  • Whatever is next for me, I’m open to it.
  • It’s the power of story. It’s the power of invitation.

Crystal O’Rourke – Global 6K For Water Director

  • I began to connect the dots of things with Christianity that I knew about but never heard about.
  • I realized God is bringing me through the things that I have been going through.
  • Not everything in Team World Vision (or your organization) is for everyone but there is space for everyone.
  • Our community needs us.
  • There are people who need you to be His hands and feet.

David Wagner – Senior Church Advisor With World Vision

  • I just want to allot my time to the band and worship Jesus (focus on the right priority)

Johnny Lopez

  • I always thought I’d wind up working at a big company. I started praying and said “God, I really need a job.” Then my phone rang and it was an opportunity to help out at a prison ministry. (We get called to unexpected places)
  • I get to share tons of stories of transformational change.
  • You might be surprised but 75% of my country (Honduras) doesn’t have access to clean water.
  • They have this mindset shift.
  • They learn, take risks, fail. The most important part of this is they learn to trust God.
  • What keeps me going is the legacy of my grandmother. At a very young age, she taught me to help others.

Josh Folkerts

  • We want a fun, sharing, and open environment.
  • Invite people into the hard moments. 
  • Speed of the leader, speed of the team.

Alex Schorr

  • Eventually, I stuck around long enough they gave me a job.
  • Remind them why they said yes.
  • We’re planting little sees all through the year.

Andrea Hanson

  • I try to individualize all my communication.
  • By experience, we tend to have the answers.

Todd Fischer

  • I found community so I got stuck.
  • I try to make as many individual connections as I can.

Shiela Johnson

  • We’ve had people join us just by seeing us out there (power of being in the community).
  • What we’re trying to do is recruit the 18, 19, 20 year olds to take up the mantle.

Judy ?

  • Use your own story to break down walls.
  • You can’t fill another person’s shoes.

Rob Mayer

  • We cheer people in by name

Kailey Vanderbaan – Los Angeles Area Director For Team World Vision

  • Technically the only thing we need to get through this life is God. Thankfully, it’s often not what He asks of us.
  • That is so cool I can do something I love to bring clean water to children.
  • If we get too comfortable, God will call us to do something uncomfortable.
  • It was okay to not know why I couldn’t finish.
  • The reason I looked like I was in my element was because I was in my community.
  • You’ve probably inspired someone behind you.
  • I grow, you grow, we grow.

Juampa Martinez – Director of Invitationals

  • The level of challenge will reflect how much you fundraise.
  • The level of commit is directly related to life change and funds raised
  • The Lord was inviting us into something.
  • I want each of you to know that you have the power to inspire the people around you.
  • You influence people.

Kelly Parks Shiell

  • Every dollar matters.

Jane Kipsang

  • I didn’t know I was a leader.
  • I listened to my students.
  • I will do better. I can do better.