Cnlp 548: Tim Keller on the Rise and Fall of the American Evangelical Church, Pastoral Moral Failures, Justice and Forgiveness, and Liberal Democracy and Nominal Christianity


In a wide-ranging interview, Tim Keller talks about the decline of the mainline and evangelical church, how forgiveness and justice get mishandled during pastoral moral failures, the threat to liberal democracy, civil dialogue and how nominal Christianity created consensus.

Welcome to Episode 548 of the podcast. Listen and access the show notes below or search for the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts and listen for free.

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Tim Keller touches on some really important topics about the health of The Church today and thriving in the future. But there is another really important health factor in YOUR church that you need to have a pulse on. And that’s the health of your church’s Generosity.

Keeping track of generosity and giving is important all year long, but especially in January/February as you gear up for a new year.

You likely already know what your total giving was for last year, but do you have a good perspective on what happened IN your giving database?

What if there was a tool that would eliminate the guesswork and provide your team with significant insights into the state of generosity in your church?

Thankfully our friends at Generis have developed just that with the free Generosity Pulse Report.

This tool assesses the current health of your church’s giving and provides deeper clarity into your financial reality beyond the total given to your church in the most recent year. You will see the behavior of your givers, not just the financial numbers.

Not only does it provide a snapshot of your culture of Generosity… but most importantly, helps you understand what might be possible if you implemented a few key measures in YOUR church.

Generis has over 33 years in the field and they know that the best way to begin building a thriving culture of generosity is to understand your church’s current state of generosity and stewardship, which is why they created the Generosity Pulse Report.

And the best part? Generis has made this tool TOTALLY FREE to church leaders. That’s right, you get all this, and you don’t even have to pay.

Don’t miss out on this timely opportunity to assess the health of generosity in your church. Visit to schedule a completely free pulse report and 30 minutes from a team member for your church today


Who else here has intentionality high on your New Year’s Resolution list?

A new year is the perfect time to implement more intentional leadership habits.

As I’m talking with Leaders, I hear all the time that 1:1 meeting effectiveness is a felt need.

Why? Because your people aren’t participating. They’re not feeling cared for and developed. They’re not engaged in the process.

My friends at Leadr are working to solve that problem.

They’re the first-ever People Development Software, focused on helping you have better 1:1 meetings that are employee-focused, drive engagement, and put an end to meeting dread.

And as a one-stop-shop software solution for all things people-focused, they also help you streamline the other healthy leadership habits you’re struggling with, such as effective feedback, clear goals, and better performance reviews.

They believe this all starts with the 1:1 meeting. And there’s no better time to start.

Join me in becoming a more intentional leader this year by checking out for how you can better engage and grow your team today through 1:1 meetings: a leader’s most powerful leadership development tool.

Be sure to mention promo code Carey for 20% off your first year.

Conversation Links

Gospel In Life

Redeemer City to City 

The Decline and Renewal of the American Church (Extended Version)

Forgive By Tim Keller

The Reason for God By Tim Keller

Prodigal God By Tim Keller

The Meaning of Marriage By Tim Keller

The Democratization of American Christianity by Nathan O. Hatch

God and Race in American Politics: A Short History by Mark A. Noll

The Civil War as a Theological Crisis by Mark A. Noll

On the Rise Newsletter

Thriving Church Checklist

The Art of Leadership Academy

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Quotes from Episode 548

The cultural times shape the way in which they read the Bible. @timkellernycCLICK TO TWEETForgiveness is a rare commodity. @cnieuwhofCLICK TO TWEETVengeance is a motivation that leads to excess and eats you alive while you’re going after it. @timkellernycCLICK TO TWEETTrust takes time to rebuild. @timkellernycCLICK TO TWEET

Read or Download the Transcript for Episode 548

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Read or download a free PDF transcript of this episode here.

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