The Importance of Speaking Your Employees’ Language

As any business grows, it’s only natural that management will have to get involved more directly with the employees in order to keep the company running smoothly and efficiently. But even in small companies, management can make their employees feel alienated if they talk down to them, don’t meet them face-to-face, or if they simply don’t understand how those employees speak. To avoid alienating your staff and creating an uncomfortable workplace environment, pay close attention to this guide on speaking your employees’ language.

The Interview Process

A good interview process is fair and legal. It’s honest and open, enabling candidates to feel at ease and prepared—and it gives recruiters a chance to learn more about a person beyond their resume. Above all, an interview should be a two-way conversation—not an interrogation. Remember: employees come in all different shapes and sizes; finding someone who fits into your company culture is much easier when you make them comfortable.

The traditional interrogation approach that fires questions after questions lacks social motivation. It not only can be stressful and draining for the person who’s at the receiving end, but it also affects their chances to make an impression or even connect with the business at a personal level. 

Addressing Employees’ Demands and Activities Fairly

The reality of a large organization is that people and departments often clash over one thing or another. This can create situations where some employees feel like they are given less freedom and activity than others, which is why a professional HR consultancy for HR outsourcing can be invaluable when it comes to helping run your business in an organized manner. They can assess your staff contracts, practices, policies, business handbooks, and existing HR tools to ensure that you have created an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. More often than not, companies with limited HR resources can create unfair environments because they don’t have the team and tools to manage their processes effectively. 

Ultimately, the language your employees will respect and understand includes legal and fair treatment. 

Creating Trust

One of a leader’s main responsibilities is creating a safe, secure environment and fostering open communication. It can be hard to do both when you’re running a business. You don’t want to reveal too much about ongoing projects for fear that it could affect their outcomes. But if you don’t keep your team in the loop, business decisions may not tackle your employees’ needs and come as a shock to them—not exactly ideal when it comes to maintaining a productive working environment.

Showing Interest in Staff Development

If you show your employees you’re interested in their development, it will encourage them to trust and engage with you more. People want to be heard—just make sure that they know they can approach HR with ideas, complaints or suggestions without fear. Asking your team how they like working at their current jobs might seem basic, but it lets staff voice their concerns and encourages a direct line of communication between employees and management.

The employee’s language is one that many leaders can get wrong. Employees seek honesty, open communication, and safety from their employers. More often than not, a work environment that doesn’t promote these values can make employees feel at risk and stressed, affecting the brand’s image, productivity, and growth. So learn to speak your employees’ language!