Get It Together and Get Going!


Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…” Mark 16:15

Jesus is looking at you today, and He is saying, “Go and preach. Go and tell the good news. Go and share My gospel.” But you know what? Most people struggle with looking at everybody else and saying that they need to go, they need to preach, they need to share. No. God’s looking at you. He’s calling you.

This is what happened to me one time when we were out street witnessing. I walked up to a house, knocked, and when it opened, I said, “Good afternoon. I just wanted to tell you that–“ SLAM! I stood there a minute and then I said, “Jesus loves you,” with a slammed door in my face, and my flesh got in the way. I felt like they rejected me, but they didn’t. They rejected Jesus!

When I was younger, I was a part of a witnessing team that would meet in a local parking lot. People would get out of their cars to go to the stores nearby, and we’d hand them tracts and say, “Hey, just want to tell you Jesus loves you.” Some people took it and walked on. Some people took it, threw it away, some threw it on the ground. Some people took it and kept it. Some people said, “No, I don’t want it.” And the leader of our group would tell us every week, “Don’t get offended. Don’t let your feelings get hurt. They’re not rejecting you; they’re rejecting Jesus.”

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I see very few people in the church today bringing people to church or Christ. In fact, I wonder just how many believers are even inviting people to church today?

One of my biggest calls in life is to challenge the body of Christ, to challenge you, to go more, do more and be more. I feel a burden to see you speak the gospel of Jesus Christ, to get into the anointing, to go deeper in your walk of faith. I’m not satisfied where you are; I want you to go deeper! I want to see you laying hands on the sick and casting out devils. Those in need are all around you. You see them every day – it may be your boss, your coworker, your barista, your neighbor. People all around you are oppressed and just trying to make it through life. You have their answer. You have the key to their freedom.

Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” People are following you. Did you know that? They are looking at you and thinking that you’re going to be all right. Think about it: We all like to watch others! Some people are looking for somebody to follow. Why shouldn’t they follow you as you follow Christ?

Your blessings are for somebody else. Your life is an example that God wants to use. He wants others to see you have peace, love and joy in the Holy Ghost. Sadly, I see a bunch of Christians walking around in frustration, aggravation, turmoil and unhappiness. It shouldn’t be! We serve an awesome God. We serve the King of glory. We serve a Life-changer. The Holy Spirit lives inside of us. So if your ship is sinking, how will you help somebody else? If you’re not living in victory, how can you direct them to victory? Let me ask you a question: If you died today and the pastor gave your eulogy, talking about how you love God and you served Him mightily, would people be surprised? Would they wonder if they were at the right funeral?

In Mark 7:8, Jesus said, “If you’re ashamed of Me, I’ll be ashamed of you.” Acts 9:27-43 shows us Paul and Silas, bold in their faith, praising in a jail cell. We have to be bold like that. We have to be unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sure, persecution may come. But you’ll be in the will of God, doing just as He instructed by going into the world and preaching the gospel.

You know, if we were more aware, God gives us opportunities to preach every day. I was in Walmart grocery shopping, and I had tested several buggies to make sure I got one without a messed up wheel. I get into the produce section, headed for the bananas, when I see this elderly woman struggling. She looked like she wasn’t feeling well, so I asked if she was okay. The problem? Her buggy had something on the wheel and she couldn’t push it. So I gave her my cart. Hers was full of groceries, so while I was helping her load them into my cart, you better believe I talked to her about the love of God and said, “God bless you.” It was an opportunity, and I took it!
Is the love of God compelling you, pushing you to help people? Sometimes it seems we think the only people who need help are the pole dancers, prostitutes and drug addicts. They do need Jesus, that’s true. But so does the little girl working as a waitress at your local restaurant. She may have done anything “wrong” In her life, but she still needs Jesus.

The best testimony you could ever preach is that you never put one ounce of alcohol to your lips, you never smoked one joint, you’ve lived for God all your days. Can you imagine the anointing on somebody who’s never had to go through all that sin? I’m challenging you today to stop hiding and start sharing the gospel. Look around. See the needs of the people and speak! Give them the keys to freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.