Putting the Cart Before the Horse


If the cart’s before the horse—certainly not much is going to happen.  Do you agree?  I find far too many believers who have NO boldness in the face of today’s hard times or personal trials.  If we are trying to GET enough faith to win our fights then in most cases we have become preoccupied with SELF.  When self takes center stage—cart before the horse—you can’t help but be unsure of the outcome. 

To the believer, trying to get faith is the same as trying to get more spots on the leopard; our faith SIMPLY depicts how we relate to God.

Here’s what I think…  Let’s take a look at the first of two perspectives.  Jesus under the old covenant encouraged men and women to have faith in something that they didn’t yet possess.  For instance, the woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment was rewarded when the Lord said, “Daughter your faith has made you well.”  She used her faith to get something Jesus had.

NOW see how the apostle Paul moved unbelievers into a decision of faith to receive Jesus as Lord, but you don’t see him trying to get the believer to believe.  As you know the early church was under great attack.  Paul himself and sometimes through the help of others would encourage and establish the believer in the faith.  This simply means that he encouraged them concerning the whole scope of Christianity to remain steadfast and not give up.  He wasn’t trying to get them to keep believing for healing or something else that comes to us through our salvation.  If you remember, Paul and Peter both seemed to echo the thought that we have been given ALL spiritual blessings necessary for life and godliness.  From the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ we have received—we are abundantly supplied with all the blessings necessary to influence our lives with plenty of amazing outward experiences.  (Paul would have told us if we needed to wait for something more.)  This is, however, the reason why Jesus came to the earth: to solve the sin problem that hinders man from experiencing God and His goodness.

God wants us to just put on the new man—don’t worry about taking OFF the old man.  Just identify with Christ and everything about Jesus will not only lead you into a relationship with the Father but will also empower your life with His grace to experience your salvation NOW.  Let’s get simple enough to take NO thought for tomorrow… Have no worries… And LET NOT your heart be troubled.  There is a REST for the believer.  Just put the Lord FIRST and all things that are needed will be added to you. This means your qualification is forever met in Christ alone.  Nothing else is needed!  

Let’s not put “the cart before the horse” and get ahead of what God the Father has ALREADY given to us.