Seeing Yourself the Way God Sees You


My wife has a small mirror she keeps in our master bathroom. It has two sides – one that shows you reality and another that zooms in really close. I don’t like that second side at all. It highlights every flaw and magnifies it!

But if there’s a flaw I want to fix, I need to be aware of it.

The Bible is somewhat like that mirror. It shows us a picture of ourselves with the promise that someday, we will miraculously achieve flawless perfection in our character. We will look like Jesus. But right now, the Bible also helps us to see the flaws that need to be removed before we get to the point of perfection for eternity.

James put it this way:

Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone 
who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and 
immediately forgets what he looks like.
James 1:23-24 NIV

It’s easy to look in the mirror and walk away, forgetting what you’ve seen. But action takers take note daily of what needs to be removed or added in to make our lives look more like Jesus.