3 Common Traits of Elite Leaders


Want to be an elite leader?

If you’re reading this article, my gut tells me your answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

Most leaders want to improve and few want to settle which leads to a world filled with some fairly strong, influential people in decision making positions.

While drive, influence or perhaps even a title may result in a measure of leadership…there is another level of impact you can attain.

I call it Elite Level Leadership.

In my experience of coaching leaders for over fifteen years, I have observed three foundational traits that set elite leaders apart from all others.

In our coaching at CourageToLead.com, we work with leaders to become what we call, F.A.B.ulous Leaders: Focused, Action-Oriented, and Bold.

Let me explain…

Elite Leaders Are Focused

The most successful leaders I know are the most focused leaders I know.

As the skill level needed increases in your organization or ministry, so must your level of focus.

Most leaders I know are on the verge of breaking through, but doing so will mean they must break loose from being…

  • Overextended
  • Overexposed
  • Overutilized

As the organization grows, every leader must move from generalist to specialist.

Your focus will in large part determine your growth.

Elite Leaders Are Action Oriented

Why do we fail to take action?

I believe it is because most of the time we are afraid.

We have paralysis by analysis. ‘

An organization can not grow faster than the pace at which it makes decisions.

Procrastination is a conditioned response to stress!

Mel Robbins in her book The Five Second Rule, talks about what research proves: If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically take some kind of action on that goal within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it. You must take action…within five seconds!

If you are not taking action, you can not change.

You must be more decisive!

Action = Traction = Satisfaction!

Elite Leaders Are Bold

You do not have to be the most brilliant, just the most passionate.

You can not just act…you must act boldly. You must be confident and authoritative.

Leadership at the next level requires a certain amount of swagger.

Remember when Brett Favre played for the Green Bay Packers? He didn’t have the best skill or mechanics. What made him a hall of fame quarterback? Favre had what we call “Ice in his veins.” He had no fear. He didn’t play not to lose. He often threw caution to the wind. He wasn’t focused on the possibility of a mistake or fear of losing the game. He would drop back and sling it with no fear. Can you do the same?

Stop focusing on playing it safe. Stop making fear based decisions. Drop back and sling it!

Want to become a more F.A.B.ulous Leader? Need to get your swagger back? We want to help!

We understand that leadership requires an unrelenting courage…and 2021 has made this more evident than ever before.

Join us on  March 18th and March 25th for a first of it’s kind live online event, CourageToLead LIVE.

Unlike your typical pre-recorded, virtual conference; at CourageToLead LIVE you will join online with a live studio audience and 14 world-class, faith-based leaders from both the marketplace and ministry to be inspired, empowered and have your questions answered in live-time. 

These two days of practical, faith-based insight from top-tier speakers will strengthen your commitment to leadership growth and organizational health. 

Each one-day leadership experience is tailor-made for marketplace and ministry leadership teams like yours, and your entire team can join for FREE!

Reserve your seat today for the live online leadership experience for faith-based leaders at CourageToLead LIVE.