Top Podcast Episodes of 2020


In the midst of a really disruptive and challenging year, this is something I enjoyed sharing with all of you.

Thank you for such a great year on the podcast! In the midst of a really disruptive and challenging year, this is something I enjoyed sharing with all of you.

Our podcast grew over 30% from last year, and I’m proud of my team (and thankful for all of the listeners) who worked hard to answer the tough questions you were asking.

There is a lot of practical, applicable strategies for your ministry and your leadership here. I encourage you to spend some time listening (or re-listening) to these episodes as you lean into and prepare for 2021.

Here are the top podcast episodes that resonated with you in 2020—

1. 7  Shifts Churches Need to Make Because of the Coronavirus – Episode 142

Earlier this year, I wrote an article on why I think this interruption is going to strengthen the church’s mission—but that it’s ultimately going to force churches to embrace a new normal. I asked Amy to join me for a conversation to dig a little deeper into each of those shifts.

2. Clarifying Digital Engagement – Episode 144

Churches have over-relied on programs and events for a very long time. We’re essentially still doing it now, just virtually. We should take this moment to simplify—to reorient our ministries around the strategies that produce the most fruit.

3. The Key to Reaching NEW People in a Digital World – Episode 152

Even if we take all the precautions and follow the federal and local guidelines, it’s going to be a big challenge going forward to get new people to come to our physical locations. So, that begs the question: How will churches reach new people in a digital world?

4. Pastors: 4 Roles to Prioritize Right Now – Episode 143

There’s a lot of change happening in our world right now, and likely a lot more to come. We have to be ready to change our ministry strategies while holding true to our responsibilities as leaders.

5. Building Alignment: The Foundation – Episode 145

How do our methods need to change for the long-term as a result of this disruption our culture has encountered? Let’s start getting really practical with this Strategic Alignment Pyramid.

6. Invite Strategy in a Post-Church Culture – Episode 129

Churches have always had the essential role to equip people to share their faith, but in today’s climate, that can seem particularly challenging. In this episode, I invited Michael Lukaszewski to discuss all things invite strategy.

7. Predictable to Remarkable: Compelling Weekend Services – Episode 134

What’s remarkable about weekend services at your church? We work with a lot of churches that are frustrated by declining or plateaued attendance, and we hear lots of ideas and reasons why they think it’s happening. But there’s one BIG factor most don’t seem willing to examine…

8. Building Alignment: Action – Episode 147

If your alignment doesn’t lead to clearer ministry priorities and more focused action from your team, it’s unlikely you’ll see the results you’re praying for.

9. How to Develop a High Impact Church Staff – Episode 130

Sometimes churches get stuck because of the staff team. Either the team is high-performing, but there’s interpersonal and leadership dysfunction. Or the team is but there’s a significant execution gap. But, it really matters for you to be strong in both.

10. How Churches Responded & Where We Go Next – Episode 141

Living in “response-mode” is exhausting. Anybody else ready to start thinking forward? Let’s not give up.

I’m looking forward to exploring new ministry topics with you in 2021.

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