Honor’s Reward Review Team

Alright, I’ve got some exciting news: I am re-releasing my book Honor’s Reward on November 12!

I want to hear your thoughts on the book, so I’m putting together a review team.

For this team, I am seeking a group of people who love reading, have read some of my past books, and want to learn about the forgotten virtue of honor.

Members of the review team will receive an electronic copy of the book prior to the release date and 12 audio teachings on Honor’s Reward (MP3 downloads).

If you are a part of the review team, you will be requested to write a review of Honor’s Reward on Amazon and other book retailer websites. And I’d love your help spreading the word about the book via social media, blog posts, and word-of-mouth.

We will be picking 200 people for the team, so apply now before the spots fill up!

Apply here

Thank you for your interest in the Honor’s Reward Review Team. The application process is now over, and we will be picking roughly 200 people for the team.

You can still help though! Here are a couple ways:

  1. Pre-order Honor’s Reward and get some free goodies.
  2. Read the book and post a review on Amazon and/or other book retailer websites.

Thanks so much for getting behind the message!
