5 Reasons You Will Flourish In the Local Church


I Don’t Need A Local Church.”

I hear it all the time.  People who check out of the local, visible, touchable local church.  Individualism rules our world and it just feels too institutional and anonymous.  Try this verse on for size:

Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall FLOURISH in the courts of our God.  They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be FRESH and FLOURISHING” (Ps. 92: 13,14, NKJV).

Here Are My Top 5 Reasons I Believe A Believer Should Attach Themselves To A Solid Local Church:

You have gifts you need to develop

Serving is quite important in the world today.  I recently heard of a state where the churches banded together and provided over 1000 homes for foster children who were living in hotels with social workers.  The state has now turned over all foster children to the local churches in that state!

From caring to leading to teaching, there are hundreds of ministry opportunities in local churches to “serve one another” and the local community.  We flourish when we serve.

The internet is not a safety net

We all need protection.  We need friends, a shoulder to weep on.  Paul said, “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15)Who is the human face of Christ you turn to when all hell breaks loose in your life?

We can all watch church services online (and I do).  That does not replace a group of spiritual relationships who “have my back” when a job, a marriage or a business disappears.  We flourish when we connect.

Sheep do not live alone

Paul told the Ephesian elders to “Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20: 28).

The Holy Spirit established pastors, elders, and overseers who “feed and lead” the flock of God.  We are not a bunch of loner, individualistic “goats” who refuse to follow the leadership of spiritual overseers.  We flourish when we are overseen.

God goes to church

Paul said, “When you come together, every one of you has a song, a doctrine, a revelation…” (1 Cor. 14: 26)The Holy Spirit “shows up” when the church “comes together.”  

A bicycle that is never “assembled” cannot pedal.  We have found that people who physically assemble together with other Christ followers receive freedom, healing, and marriage restoration far sooner than on their own.  We flourish when we come together with the church.

Your children develop spiritually

We should all teach our children the Bible and pray with them at home.  However, in the church setting they learn corporate worship, hear life changing teaching, and develop a weekly Sabbath.  We flourish when our children learn to honor God.

Find a local church.  Support it with you consistency and contributions.  Pray for your pastors.  Plug in to serving.  Be there during the worship experience.  And, most of all, bring your kids!