How to Build a System from Scratch (systems Series – Pt 2)


Do you ever…

  • Feel overwhelmed leading your organization?
  • Struggle to keep up with all the tasks on your to-do list?
  • Worry about what will happen if you can’t find a way to get it all done in time?

I’ve been there. So have many leaders I know.

The solution to the chaos is systems. Routines and operating procedures that keep your organization running smoothly, even on days when you’re distracted, socially distanced or taking some much deserved time off.

This week I’m helping you take advantage of this quarantined time by getting better at your systems so your organization can reemerge from the COVID-19 Crisis stronger.

Yesterday I sent you part one: 3 Results of a Good System. You can read that HERE.

Today, I’m showing you how to build a system from scratch.

There are a few simple keys to constructing a new process to solve an existing problem.

Key #1 – Identify a Problem to Solve

What gets repeatedly done in your organization, but every time it’s done it requires the same person or a conversation to re-discuss how it should be done? That needs a system.

To help you identify which systems to build first, I put together a free ebook outlining the 3 Systems Folders Every Organization Needs.

Key #2 – Work Through The 5 Process Building Questions

To create a clear process, these five questions must be answered:

  1. Where are things sitting now?
  2. Where are the people now?
  3. Where do they need to go?
  4. How do we want to take them there?
  5. How will we keep it/them there?

If you can answer these basic questions then you have enough to information to build a system!

Write down the answers, put them in one document and create sequence and flow to the process from your answers.

Key #3 – Make the System Accessible to Everyone

To be a system, not only must be written down, there needs to be easy access to it.

Share access to a document that can be kept updated in real time and made available to everyone who needs it 24/7.

Put your processes in the cloud (securely, of course), and give everyone that needs it, access to it!

Once your systems are built, continually assess them to maintain effectiveness.

If you need help building systems or if your systems need an upgrade, let’s have a conversation. We coach around systems as one of the 3 Gears of Growth for churches just like yours.