Rewind: Your Favorite Podcast Episodes from 2019


Over the course of 2019 we released a lot of free content at, helping so many leaders and teams grow healthier and grow faster! You seemed to connect with our blog posts, free downloadable resources, and, for today’s post, our podcast episodes.

The CourageToLead Podcast with Shawn Lovejoy launched on April 15, 2019! In that short time many of you have tuned in, downloaded and become part of this listening tribe. If you haven’t already, there are really two ways to stay connected to the podcast: Subscribe on iTunes or Subscribe to the Reflection + Discussion Guides

Here are the Top 5 Most Downloaded Podcast Episodes from 2019!

#5 most downloaded episode…

Episode 005: Creating a Culture of Passion + Urgency

One of the top questions we are asked by leaders is, “How do I keep a sense of urgency among my team? What are some steps to keep the levels of passion high?”The simple answer is: Create a Culture of Passion + Urgency. Don’t just treat it when it’s lacking, fuse it into the life-blood of your DNA. In this episode, Shawn Lovejoy walks you through HOW to ensure your culture is one filled with passion + urgency.

#4 most downloaded episode…

Episode 004: Leading Change Without Blowing Up Everything

Change is inevitable. You are either responding to changing variables around you or you are initiating change within the organization you lead. In this episode Shawn sits down with close friend, and Coach, George Davis. Their conversation teaches how to institute change in a healthy way. George lives in Jacksonville, FL where he leads twelve Impact Church locations across the East coast, Texas, and PERU. During a period of plateaued growth, George led Impact Church through major strategic and stylistic change resulting in exponential growth.

#3 most downloaded episode…

Episode 009: How To Build A Drama-Free Culture

While conflict is inevitable, drama is a choice! How we handle conflict has a lot to do with building a healthy culture! When we don’t resolve it the right way, guess what we get? Drama. Join Shawn Lovejoy and learn what part YOU can play in eliminating drama in your culture!

#2 most downloaded episode…

Episode 008: What Courageous Leaders Do

Leadership cannot happen without courage! Don’t even try to be a “wimpy” leader. Courage is not something needed only by superheroes in the movies! Courage is needed in the real world! Perhaps it’s most needed in LEADERSHIP. exists because leadership requires COURAGE! It literally takes courage to lead.

Finally, the #1 most downloaded episode of the CourageToLead Podcast with Shawn Lovejoy was…

Episode 001: 5 Ways to Grow Yourself as a Leader

Why do leaders stop growing? Shawn Lovejoy highlights one of the most overlooked areas among leaders…personal development and growth! Join Shawn and get a step-by-step plan to develop your life and leadership.